A Brother’s response to Sen Manchin’s OpEd

Sen. Joe Manchin, I read your Op-Ed in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, and I have a few questions for you. You are well within your rights and responsibilities as a member of the Senate representing West Virginia with your concerns over the filibuster. In a perfect world, I think your arguments would have merit. In case you haven’t been paying attention for the past decade or so, we don’t live in a perfect world. In fact, Black Americans have never been within an Apollo rocket shot reach of a perfect world in America.

You may or may not be aware of the particular struggles of Black Americans, but I can assure you life here for us is no Saturday morning picnic. Our right to vote in America was enshrined into the Constitution in 1870 by the Fifteenth Amendment. It wasn’t until the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 that LEGAL barriers enacted by state and local governments to deny our right to vote were made illegal.

Imagine that. Our right to vote was enshrined into the Constitution, and it still took almost 100 years for America to make our God-given right to vote legal. Imagine the furor you’d have if you lived your entire life under a Constitution that says you can vote, yet your government makes it illegal for you to exercise that right. A Black American born in 1871 was a US citizen with the right to vote at birth. If that person lived to be 90 years old, he/she would have lived their entire life with their right to vote being illegal depending on where they lived.

Unfortunately, we now are witnessing that the fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized. Today’s debate about how to best protect our right to vote and to hold elections, however, is not about finding common ground, but seeking partisan advantage. Whether it is state laws that seek to needlessly restrict voting or politicians who ignore the need to secure our elections, partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy — it will destroy it.

As such, congressional action on federal voting rights legislation must be the result of both Democrats and Republicans coming together to find a pathway forward or we risk further dividing and destroying the republic we swore to protect and defend as elected officials.

Sen. Joe Manchin

Here’s where I have a problem with your OpEd. You admit partisan policymaking will destroy our democracy. So, what are you doing to combat and stop the GOP attack on the voting rights of minorities? You keep claiming that we need bipartisan effort to move forward. How exactly are you going to get authoritarian acting Republicans to quit pissing on the Constitution? It’s not like this is a new or recent issue for Black Americans.

That was back in 1980. Even more recent, there’s this admission from the right.

Now I understand that you may not have a full grasp of the issues that Black Americans face on a day-to-day basis. It’s not like you actually represent a sizable segment of our community. West Virginia has approximately 72.000 Black residents as of 2018 estimates. If you use the rounded estimate of 330,000,000 people living in the US, 13% of that total comes out to 42,900,000. That puts the percentage of Black America represented by you at 0.17% rounded off. That’s not even one quarter of one percent. There are actually more Black people living in my county, Henry County, than there are in all of West Virginia.

I honestly don’t expect you to lift a finger towards the issues faced by Black Americans. It has not always been a position taken up by moderate liberals in America. Look back at the observations made by Dr. Martin L. King Jr if you doubt me. If moderate liberals gave a damn about issues that we face, it wouldn’t have taken us almost 100 years to be able to legally cast a vote in all 50 states. If moderate liberals gave a damn about issues we face, you wouldn’t have needed to write your OpEd because moderates would have been able to forge these pathways long ago ending the fight.

The idea that you’re going to forge some bipartisan agreement with the current GOP that will help minorities is laughable at best. In all honesty, I think it makes you look like a fool looking through rose colored glasses. That’s just my opinion though.

When 2022 rolls around, we will see the results of your insistence on “procedure”. If nothing else, America has seen Republicans abandon procedure and norms in an outright move to consolidate their power and control over America. There’s nothing stopping them from abandoning their goals now, so we will see what happens if/when you fail miserably leaving our rights hanging out to dry. WV won’t have a problem as 9 in 10 residents are White, so Black people losing rights won’t have an effect on your voter base.

I’ve said that America is sliding towards becoming an apartheid state for almost a decade now. The next few years will show whether I’m right or wrong. If nobody fights and we see more minority rights trampled, who will be there to support Democrats when we can’t vote? If Democrats lose control over more elected offices, who will be there to slow the GOP from turning America into their personal right-wing utopia? I hope I’m wrong and seeing things that are not there. Looking at how easily some people here fall for conspiracy theories and outright lies, I don’t see where my worst fears are not entirely within the realm of possibility.

So, are you going to deal with reality Joe, or continue to live in your Walter Mitty world? You’re playing with the rights of my people now, and I don’t find it amusing at all.

2,944 thoughts on “A Brother’s response to Sen Manchin’s OpEd

    • I know those dudes, man. I can’t remember are they with Motown, Buddha? I know those cats. Man. They can play.


    • Weirdo Folk music from Grant Park, Sir.
      I will fingerpick a semi-attractive rickenbacker and make it sound better than it looks via a beautifully restored ’68 Fender Princeton.
      So there!
      I might play bass on a song or 2 as well….

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This might be good…

    Can anyone explain to me what cognitive dissonance is without using a dictionary definition?


  2. May have already been posted
    But Louie pushing his version of what Tucker Carlson spewed the other night
    Sadly Louie pulled his stunt on the floor of the HoR
    These Trump cultists never stop with the idiocy

    During a floor speech on Thursday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) became the latest conservative to suggest the FBI may have been involved in perpetrating the January 6th Capitol insurrection. The theory appears to have originated in the fringe website Revolver, after which it was amplified Tuesday on Fox News by Tucker Carlson, who claimed “FBI operatives” were involving in storming the Capitol.


    • wait wait wait..no it wasn’t Antifa like Republicans said in Jan. After all of the RW got arrested and charged..the Republican now realize it was FBI operatives responsible.
      can’t make this up. lol

      Liked by 2 people

      • They just change the story (lies and conspiracies) as each talking point is debunked
        They are very confident that their supports in some combination are that gullible or care that little
        They are right, you know?

        Liked by 1 person

    • It’s true that some indictments against members of extremist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys mention anonymous co-conspirators who haven’t been charged yet. And the FBI routinely uses undercover agents, and government operatives may have been embedded in right-wing groups before January 6.
      But there is no evidence that these co-conspirators are secretly working for the FBI. An FBI spokesperson declined to comment about the false-flag theory. Legal experts say the article’s conclusions are based on a deeply flawed misunderstanding of how legal writing works and the definition of an unindicted co-conspirator.
      This theory “makes the erroneous assumption that unindicted co-conspirators are government agents,” said Ross Garber, a Tulane University law professor and former CNN legal analyst. “Federal agents acting within the scope of their duties are never considered unindicted co-conspirators because by definition they aren’t conspiring with the alleged bad guys.”
      The Justice Department’s internal manual explains when and how unindicted co-conspirators should be mentioned in court filings. The manual doesn’t say these anonymized terms like “PERSON ONE” should be used to refer to FBI agents. And in Capitol riot cases where there were informants who helped prosecutors, they were clearly identified as confidential sources.


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  3. Moar on the Helen Aguirre Ferré gaffe

    Well, the Executive Director of the Florida GOP sent out a tweet that sez all of the 2022 Dem state candidates are anti Semites.
    They delete the tweet and say, Oops our bad. Totes a typo. We meant to say Ilhan Omar is an anti Semite.



    Liked by 7 people

  4. The House of Representatives has voted to repeal the United States’ 2002 declaration of war against Iraq, a law used by former President Donald Trump to justify the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

    I saw down below someone posted about the repeal. Trump’s order to kill the Iranian General has created another headache for us and our allies. Can we just cuff the fat ass and ship him to Teheran as a peace offering?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Russian President Vladimir Putin has praised Joe Biden and said Moscow is ready for further talks with Washington in comments made a day after meeting his US counterpart in Geneva.
    “We are ready to continue this dialogue to the same extent as the American side is,” Putin said after he returned home from Wednesday’s meeting, speaking to university graduates by video link.

    Damn what did Biden tell Pooty. Biden might have a new puppy. LOL


      • I told this story before but me and some co-workers were at Dugan’s on Ponce after working second shift and recognized Hosea Williams and George Wallace sitting at a table. They invited us to sit and drink with them and they both told some great jokes and stories. This was like 1992 and Wallace was already telling this joke about carrying a torch (Olympic) through a city like Atlanta.


        • Interesting… I had a friend who lived in an apartment right behind Dugans, and one Saturday night we were all up there hanging out, I believe we went there to watch the braves game. He stumbled out earlier than us and went to his apartment to pass out and we stayed. As the evening progressed we soon became about the only white dudes in the place. Three white dudes from Marietta… I don’t know why, but we were like celebs there that night. People were coming up to us, slapping high fives and hanging out with us and stuff. We ended up at a table with a girl and her friends, she claimed she was Marvin Freeman’s girlfriend (Marvin was a relief pitcher for the Braves in the early 90’s)
          This would’ve been around the same timeframe… that night is one of those nights that has always stuck out in my mind… we had so much fun.

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  6. Normally I wouldn’t recommend learning history from podcasts.

    I say that as someone who’s been listening to a ton of history podcasts in the last year, but I know it’s not “good for me.” Mostly it’s been an escape from what had been my usual diet of political punditry podcasts, which have gotten to be just too much. I feel like I already know what these gals and guys are going to pontificate about, and they’re not going to really come up with anything more profound than you guys or even I might suss out on my own.

    But. But. (h/t Jeffrey)


    A MUSIC history podcast. that’s a good thing. If you think about it, if you’re not already intimately familiar with an artist and know every dang thing she or he’s done, how on earth would you know what this or that thing they did actually sounds like? You wouldn’t. Unless you were listening!

    So this aforementioned music history thing. I’m absolutely addicted, have been for the last six weeks or so. So much so I started catching up from the beginning and I’m up to Episode 93 now. And of course I’ve become a patron.

    Beyond just hearing the music, this Hickey guy is a terrific storyteller, with a keen eye for the sort of details that become burned in your brain. Where else would I hear the story of how Bob Wills, Les Paul, and Charlie Christian met and jammed together in a Tulsa airplane hanger in 1938?

    Liked by 3 people

      • Great. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with finding something that makes you laugh.

        I say this as a lead-in to something I wanted to share here about a not-laugh. One history podcast I feel I can’t miss is kind of the Mac Daddy of them all, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. He finally dropped the sixth, final episode of his “Supernova in the East” about the WWII Pacific conflict.

        These are epic six-hour-long things; there was a nine-month wait for this latest one. Of course I managed to hear the whole thing (in pieces of course), even though the forty five minutes was Dan more-or-less pontificating about our decision to target Japanese civilians to force a surrender.

        I was a little shocked because he really couldn’t come up with anything particularly insightful. It just kinda… ends. Maybe it’s impossible to manage anything one haven’t already thought of on one’s own, and he knew it.

        Liked by 1 person

    • There’s a book I read last year called “A History of Loud” about the history of the electric guitar. I think you might enjoy it a lot.
      It mentions stuff like Les Paul jamming out in his backyard with Leo Fender (who couldn’t play) and Paul Bigsby.
      And stories like how Fender and his business partner would show up at Dick Dale shows to figure out how in the hell this guy managed to blow up all their amps seemingly no matter how sturdy they made them.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks for the tip but by any chance did you mean “Play it Loud”?

        because when I searched for your title this came up multiple times. Sure looks like what you’re talking about.

        (it’s available at my library, turns out)


  7. so its a typo when you tweet:
    While @GovRonDeSantis works on policies and signs legislation in support of Florida’s Jewish communities, Pelosi calls an anti semitic, @CharlieCrist, a valued leader. Crist, @valdemings & @NikkiFried won’t stand up to Pelosi doing nothing to defend Florida’s Jewish community,” (sic) the now-deleted tweet said.
    “It was a total mistake, human error,” claimed Florida GOP spokesperson Alia Faraj-Johnson. She claimed she meant to say that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was anti-Semitic, not Fried or Crist. It’s unclear how the Republicans accidentally typed Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist instead of Ilhan Omar. The names don’t appear to feature similar letters.


    Liked by 4 people

  8. “I blessedly qualified for disability, and the Medicare coverage that comes with it, within 6 months of my diagnosis. While one never knows if a state like GA would be quite that evil and un-qualify someone like me, honestly it seems highly unlikely so it’s not something that keeps me up nights.

    I receive excellent care. If I’ve ever bitched about it here it was the dexamethasone talking, not me.”

    @Stands For Decibels

    You have the right to bitch as much as you want to.

    Anything you say will not be used against you on this blog.

    You have the right to lean on those who care about you and

    your family.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. McCarthy slams Biden for giving ‘Putin a pass’ after years of silence on Trump’s relationship with Russian president

    This comes from a guy who on a regularly basis sucks Putin Jr.’s dick.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Off topic – I remembered why I hate Bike Week in Laconia. The main road up there from I-95 goes right past our plant and there is a regular roar from groups of Harleys going by.
    Median age of the people riding up there is around 55

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  11. NFL and NFLPA are in agreement that vaccinated players will be tested every 2 weeks. However, unvaccinated players will have their noses jabbed with a stick every day.
    After reading the comment section I come to the conclusion that 99% of the commenters are dumbasses and don’t know how vaccine works. Boy do we have a lot of dumbasses in this country.

    Liked by 4 people

    • 99% of the commenters are dumbasses
      I’ve found that football fans seem to be extra special stupid a lot of times.
      Also dicks, i.e. “You better fucking play on Sunday #11, (That former Falcons guy) ’cause my fantsy footsball team!”

      Liked by 3 people

      • Construction workers can be extra special stupid too.

        We had a young guy who was built like a Greek God. His forman explained to him how to use a magnetic drill.
        A mag drill is used to drill large holes through steel beams that are already installed. The drills weigh about 50 pounds. You place the drill where you want, usually horizontal steel, and flip a switch and the big magnet holds the drill in place.
        Next day at a meeting the project mgr ask the kid how many holes he drilled yesterday?
        Two, he says. The PM says 10 holes a day is what is expected.
        Kid says, I’ll try, but let me see you hold that heavy thing all day.

        He forgot about the magnet/switch thing.

        Liked by 4 people

  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course the PPACA is not home free with the SCOTUS stooges.


    When that next case comes, and it will, several justices indicated they are ready and willing to strike down the entire ACA.

    here’s the thing. Those of us who purchase insurance on the exchange know that we are NEVER more than 6-12 months away from the vile scum telling 10-20 million of us us “fuck you, especially you assholes who decided to get a chronic illness that our capitalist system makes super expensive to treat. If you’re lucky your state MIGHT fund a high-risk pool for you, haha, of course they won’t.”

    Unless and until we pack the court–sorry, REFORM the court!–that^^ is the status quo.

    But at least it’s not happening, say, tomorrow.
    I figure that’s just par for the course for being a part of a marginalized group in America.

    Liked by 4 people

    • oh, and just so people don’t worry too much about me, personally. While we do purchase insurance on the exchange, it’s done for Mrs. SfD and The Kid, who (AFAIK) are not necessarily ones who’d be tossed into a high-risk pool, they’d just be stuck shopping on the FABULOUS open market like in the good old days.

      I blessedly qualified for disability, and the Medicare coverage that comes with it, within 6 months of my diagnosis. While one never knows if a state like GA would be quite that evil and un-qualify someone like me, honestly it seems highly unlikely so it’s not something that keeps me up nights.

      I receive excellent care. If I’ve ever bitched about it here it was the dexamethasone talking, not me.

      Liked by 6 people

  13. Oh, hell . . . .

    In secret recording, Florida Republican threatens to send Russian-Ukrainian ‘hit squad’ after rival

    “I really don’t want to have to end anybody’s life for the good of the people of the United States of America. … But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done,” William Braddock says in the clip.
    Luna is a f—ing speed bump in the road. She’s a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood.”
    “I have access to a hit squad, too, Ukrainians and Russians,” he said about three minutes into the call, adding “don’t get caught out in public supporting Luna. … Luna’s gonna go down and I hope it’s by herself.”


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  14. I really would like for [the PPACA] to be taken out back and shot

    I get what you mean, really I do. Longtime readers know of my personal connection to the PPACA; I would say there’s about a 10-20% probability it saved my life in 2016 so I’m hardly the most objective observer here. But a “PPACA on steroids” which is basically what Biden’s always backed is still something I could back in principle. I’ve always said I don’t much care what it takes to make healthcare coverage universal and affordable. I’m not a “die on the single payer hill” even though single payer’s the most efficient way to get there.

    About this latest decision, which is a fine thing indeed. Thanks Justice Bryer! now retire! Anyway, I hope this heat off the legal side, emboldens Biden to do one thing he really needs to do here in GA.

    And that’s bring Brian Kemp to heel on two PPACA-related things. Have team member tell him in no uncertain terms “no you cannot get your suck-ass replacement exchange online. Georgians will continue to be able to go to healthcare dot gov and if you don’t like it here’s a hot tailpipe for you to suck on with a chaser of unsalted dicks.”

    Also, “if you plan to ‘expand Medicaid’ with this even suck-assier plan of yours that only adds 10% of those eligible but costs 50% more, I will publicly embarrass you and call you everything but a white man.”

    or words to that effect.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I would say there’s about a 10-20% probability it saved my life in 2016

      After PPACA was enacted I got decent coverage. Before that I could not afford the premium with the money I was making back then.

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    • I often bring up my real MIL on these occasions. She passed away in January 2004, just over 3 months after we got married.
      Her husband had a small business doing A/V for conventions, and the bottom fell out of that after 9/11. So,they couldn’t afford health insurance, she caught pneumonia and was afraid a doctor’s visit would cost too much; she eventually ended up in the hospital but got septic and passed away from a massive triple stroke. She was 54.
      This will sound like a bargain these days, but afterwards her husband had a $150K hospital bill for her 6 nights in the ICU.
      I’d just immigrated 2 months earlier; you may now take a guess at what I thought about the whole situation.

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  15. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has formally acknowledged that his country is facing food shortages.
    Addressing a meeting of senior leaders, Mr Kim said: “The people’s food situation is now getting tense”.


    And this idiot was the fatso’s best buddy. What are you thinking GQP?


    • After reading the article I have came to the conclusion the MAGA crowd is a breed of their own. A breed that should go extinct by natural selection. Just remember decent people are still in the majority.

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  16. Putin must be that “alpha male” that the conneds love so much, since their orange messiah literally emasculated himself to him.

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    • 8m ago
      GOAL! Denmark 1-2 Belgium (De Bruyne 71)
      Belgium go in front. And it’s another one from the PlayStation.


    • From following the MBM on The Guardian it sounded like they need him.

      It also seemed that the 3 at the back for Belgium is suffering from what could best be described as slowoldfartitis.

      Liked by 2 people

      • He came on, players moved around and he fed Hazard (no, not that one — his brother) a gift on a platter


  17. The Scotch whisky industry has welcomed the suspension of US tariffs on its products after the UK and US resolved a long-running trade row over subsidies given to Airbus and Boeing.
    The agreement will see retaliatory tariffs, imposed during the dispute, remain suspended for five years.

    trump’s 25% tariff is coming down too. This will help the distilleries on both side of the pond.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Just read about the Delta variant of covid. It is 40% more transmissible than the other variants. Monoclonal antibody treatment is not as effective either. Some states are going to have problems in the uptick of covid infections later this year.


  19. Just now saw the exchange between Kaitlyn Collins and Biden. Biden turned around and almost pulled out her gizzards through her throat. Is this what Mary is calling low energy Biden? LMAO.

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  20. Tucker Carlson Guest Claims Black People Have Lower IQs Than White
    Charles Murray pushed white nationalist talking points about the “cognitive demands” of certain professions, which Carlson didn’t challenge.

    Isn’t there some regulations where people should be punished for lying?

    Liked by 3 people

    • “cognitive demands” sounds like the retired football player thing where until this year, it was harder for Black players to get compensated for brain injuries. Basically and crudely put, if a Black player showed signs of brain damage, some of that was just written off as him being naturally dumber.
      Yes it’s gross as fuck.
      But these fucking people. They bitch about CRT and then a second later turn around and say the exact same shit that CRT posits that people do. You really can’t make this shit up.

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    • I’ve actually read a big chunk of The Bell Curve. I remember reading it at lunch at my desk at work one day and I felt like I was reading porn. It was THAT wrong.

      anyway it was a long time ago but I can give you the executive summary from memory.

      Here it is.

      Black people are dumber than whites and Murray can PROVE it because standardized tests are awesome.

      That’s pretty much it.

      Liked by 2 people

  21. Fox 26 Houston reporter Ivory Hecker fired over:
    WAIT FOR IT . . .
    Hydroxybonercream 3000 and Dr. Demon Jizz.

    Hecker is specifically mad because after they did a story about Dr. Stella Immanuel — yes, Dr. Demon Jizz, the one who SWORE BY Hydroxybonercream 3000, and also has some interesting beliefs about demon jizz — and highlighted how she was from Houston, Hecker apparently made some social media post about how mad she was everybody was “censoring” Dr. Demon Jizz.

    Yes, another award winning expose by “Independent film-maker, James O’Keefe”.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Rep. Paul Gosar’s sister delivered a blistering critique of her sibling on Wednesday, saying she believed the Arizona Republican was “absolutely” responsible for inciting the deadly riot at U.S. Capitol earlier this year.

    When your flesh and blood calls you a POS you got to be a real POS.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. No surprise here. I wonder how Putin convinced the GQP that he owned the moment. Oh wait, Putin owned it for the GQP because he is not a Dem and the GQP worships him..

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Couple of days ago after Ronaldo pushed away the coke bottles and picked up a water bottle during the presser Coke stock dropped 1.6%. Wow

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, there were some confusing revisions just this year and — fuck VAR!

      Instant replay has ruined the NFL and NCAA football and the same thing is happening with FIFA’s VAR.
      Fans will come to EXPECT a perfectly refereed match every time, but that will never happen because human beings are on the field officiating and THEY MAKE MISTAKES!
      Goal line technology was introduced to handle the biggest problem the sport had, and that was missed goals.

      Liked by 2 people

  25. Oh, dear! I bet my good buddy Bruno is having his third melt-down over this

    Affordable Care Act survives third Supreme Court challenge, as case from Trump administration and GOP-led states is rejected

    The key issue was whether a 2017 decision by Congress to remove the penalty for not buying health insurance — the so-called individual mandate — meant that the law was unconstitutional and should be wiped from the books.

    I really would like for this bill to be taken out back and shot, my concern is that instead of being expanded, it will be replaced with something worse.

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Obamacare Survives Again, Supreme Court Rejects Latest GOP Lawsuit
    The decision saves insurance for 31 million and Affordable Care Act protections for preexisting conditions.
    This time, the threat was a lawsuit that 20 state Republican officials originally filed in 2018 and that the Trump administration officially supported in court, even though the federal government almost always defends statutes in such litigation.

    Looks like the RWNJ will give up.

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  27. If you’re jonesing for a Democratic Senator to hate while we temporarily decide that Joe Manchin is NOT a useless, racist-enabling PoS? Might I suggest Ron Wyden?

    Wyden’s provision uses U.S. trade law to punish other countries that have the effrontery to regulate Big Tech with regard to worker rights, consumer privacy, or anti-monopoly measures. These would be defined as restraints of trade and be subject to trade investigations and sanctions.

    Basically, Wyden took a provision of the 1974 Trade Act known as Special 301, allowing unilateral U.S. action against trade violations. This provision has been largely moribund, except for a special ploy that Big Pharma got enacted in 1984 under Reagan, which requires regular investigations by the U.S. trade rep and possible penalties in cases where any foreign nations dare to regulate pharmaceuticals.

    Now Big Tech wants the same special treatment as Big Pharma, and Wyden is doing his best to deliver it. (It’s a fitting pairing—the two most predatory of U.S. industries.)

    Liked by 3 people

  28. Sandy was in Morning Joe today. Since she first got to Congress she was toned down her rhetoric. She is still a progressive but she picks and chooses what she says and when she says it. She will be in Congress for a long time and push progressive agenda. The best part she will produce results. Young progressives should study her tactics. This is meant for people like Ilhan Omar.

    Liked by 2 people

    • SANDY!
      Go fix me a drink!

      When she first took offiice, my only complaint was she came off as lacking experience (which – duh, she wouldn’t, wouldn’t she?,) Yet she already seemed really sharp in hearings and such.
      Add another few years and she’s only gonna get better. 10 years from know, the Republican smear campaigns against her are gonna make current crap against Pelosi and the Squad *combined* look like child’s play.

      Liked by 4 people

  29. Clyde is giving MTG a run for the coveted Golden AH Trophy.

    “I was very cordial. I extended my hand to shake his hand. He just stared at me. I asked him if he was going to shake my hand, and he told me that he didn’t know who I was. So, I introduced myself. I said that I was Officer Michael Fanone. That I was a D.C. Metropolitan Police officer who fought on January 6 to defend the Capitol and, as a result, I suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as a heart attack after having been tased numerous times at the base of my skull, as well as being severely beaten. At that point, the congressman turned away from me, pulled out his cell phone, looked like he was attempting to pull up an audio recording app on his phone. And ,again, never acknowledged me at any point.”

    Now here is Clyde’s side of the story, sent in a statement via his House office:
    “It is my understanding that Officer Fanone stopped by our office today and my staff offered to schedule a meeting with him. I briefly shared an elevator with Mr. Fanone on my way to votes this evening, but I do not recall him offering to shake hands. Clearly, as someone who has worked with law enforcement for over 30 years, I am more than happy to shake hands with any law enforcement officer.”
    Speaking of Clyde, he was the only member of Georgia’s congressional delegation to vote against making Juneteenth a federal holiday.

    The other 13 lawmakers from Georgia were part of the overwhelming majority that sent the bill to President Joe Biden after a 415-14 vote. He plans to sign it into law this afternoon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Clyde is the twat-waffle who compared the Jan. 6 insurrection to a normal tourist visit, and he’s TOTES CORRECT!
      Every time I visited the capitol, I entered thru a broken window, too!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Every time I visit, I enter thru the front door. Yes, they literally run to hold the door and my bazooka–and they are so friendly and nice like.


  30. This is how you do it, Steve. (in 3 part thread)

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  31. Liked by 2 people

    • We also had very limited rules of engagement in Vietnam and they had the backing of the Chinese next door. That will not be true for their desired civil war.

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  32. NUMBER OF THE DAY: 21. That’s how many senators now support the bipartisan infrastructure framework proposed by Sens. KYRSTEN SINEMA, JOE MANCHIN, ROB PORTMAN, BILL CASSIDY, MITT ROMNEY and the other members of their centrist group.

    This is big. Some Democrats scoffed at the notion that the GOP would ever be able to deliver 10 votes needed to clear the filibuster. As of Wednesday night, they were at 11 — a number that appears likely to grow.

    BUT … What does this do to the Democrat side of the equation? The fear that Sinema and Manchin will oppose a larger reconciliation package stuffed with the left’s top priorities is real. Essentially, Democratic leaders are letting their centrists eat dessert without the veggies.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I hope Moscow Mitch throws the bipartisan proposal under the bus. That will be a cover for Manchin needs.


    She has discovered our secret plan!
    Ernst Stavro Blofeld must be informed at once!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do these folks have narcolepsy? I keep hearing about them waking up repeatedly over the years, that is, when they are not telling me how they are the now not silent majority, they are freedumb fighters and patriots who attack using US flags but then demand that you sing a song to that same flag. You cant kneel but you can hug it like some sort of child molester. Now there is a plan to take over Western civilization but Putin is to be believed over our intelligence service cause he has Bette Davis eyes?

      Liked by 3 people

    • A yes – that well-known Marxist, Emmanuel Macron. A man who, prior to becoming a politician, worked as an investment banker.
      Ah – but I forgot. According to RWNJs like Owens, George Soros is also a Marxist.

      Liked by 2 people

  34. I like Joe but claiming the US doesn’t interfere in elections in other countries is a joke.
    tbf – he isn’t saying anything that any other US politician or POTUS would say.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Like

    • Liked by 1 person

    • They stood empty and ashen-faced, staring at the court like it was a blinking cursor on a blank page. This was Joe Carter rounding the bases. It was Ryan Howard lying alone in the dirt. The final helpless seconds ticked down. The clock said zero. The scoreboard said Hawks 109, Sixers 106. None of it made any sense.

      Liked by 3 people

  36. What a comeback by the Hawks.
    Can’t say I gave them much of a chance after the first half.
    That was awesome
    State Farm Arena is going to be lit for game 6

    Liked by 6 people

  37. Ok. Looks like the weather ain’t gonna cooperate with my pool drinking, St Regis staycation. Cancelling.

    Canceled has seem to happen a lot this last year or so. Oh well. First world problems


  38. Wait, wut?

    Georgia to put I-285 tolls in private hands

    Under the Georgia DOT plan, a private company would invest in the design, construction and maintenance of the new express toll lanes on I-285 in Atlanta, then recover its investment by collecting toll revenue for 50 years.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Hot damn !!!
    Trump is touring the border tomorrow with the governor of TX
    Bless his heart he is going play POTUS just like when he played and pretended for four years

    Someone needs to tell him

    Liked by 2 people

      • Don’t know
        I just perused an article that mentioned he would be there with Abbot.
        What’s worse than Trump’s one man clown show are the millions who are clamoring for all they can get from said clown show
        This is as pathetic as when he was in office

        Have I mentioned that it’s cult like?

        Liked by 2 people

  40. Buckeye
    Did you see the Nets game last night?
    I missed it but watched the highlights
    What a show KD put on in the second half
    What an effn show
    One for the ages
    When he is healthy he is flat out an assassin

    Kawhi hurt
    Paul out with Covid
    Of course Lebron and the Lakers gone

    NBA not liking this as much as the teams with the injured players


  41. Biden Believes Putin Wants To Save Russia’s Soured Reputation On World Stage
    “This is not about trust. This is about self-interest,” Biden said after meeting with the Russian president in Geneva.

    Damn Biden is good. He just painted the thug in a corner.

    Liked by 3 people

    • A woman I was seeing back in the early 90s was a bball fan (Celtics for her, Lakers for me that shoulda told me it wouldn’t work out) and we would go to Hawks games and dinner after, usually a different place each time, and one time we ended up a Houston’s on P’tree not knowing the Hawks hung out there post game.
      Sooooooooo this 7 foot guy comes thru the door and I sez, “Look, there’s Kevin Willis (my fave Hawk).” She sez, That’s sooooo typical of you. You think every tall black guy plays bball.”
      Just at that moment, this 5’6″ black guy walks right by our table and I sez, “Oh yeah? Well that guy is Spud Webb (her fave Hawk player).” She sez, “Yeah, you’re right.”
      That is the only time she admitted I could possibly be right about anything.

      Liked by 7 people

  42. It certainly is a strange world when Fox and the other RW yap about Biden like 4 yrs of Former Guy never happened. Reminds me of the clowns who post “Biden sniffs hair…perverted” and completely ignore Former Guy bragged about “Grabbing them by the p*ssy” and has been accused of rapes where he did exactly that.

    Liked by 2 people

  43. Also, who gives a fuck?
    Dumbass foxbots who omit the apology thing.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I also have information that suggests Biden was overheard asking his security detail to “take her out back and ‘deal with her’.”
      I got that from my inlaws’ maid’s third cousin’s elementary school teacher.

      Liked by 4 people

  44. “Am I reading correctly that someone here was disappointed that President Joe wasn’t on his knees and slobbering all over Putin the way the orange moron was a few years back?
    What next?
    Disappointment over the lack of “big beautiful love letters” to and from President Joe to Kim Il Jung?”


    Pooty and Dump sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g !


    • Trump’s response to his lover Kim . . .

      “I love you with all my belly.

      I would say heart, but my belly is bigger.”

      ‘He wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love’: Donald Trump on Kim Jong-un

      Liked by 1 person

  45. Fox News gushing over Putin:

    Liked by 1 person

    • But it was okay when Trump and Putin came out of the room with Trump looking like he had been scolded then saying Putin made a convincing case about not interfering

      The cult will eat this up

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  46. What a good Trump Cultist that Jim Jordan loves to be. During a hearing he was whining that the DoJ isn’t investigating the bs conspiracy about Italian satellites changing votes. Yes the same conspiracy theory that then CoS Meadows emailed the Trump DoJ about but was ignored because of the sheer stupidity of it all
    These cultists never quit. I will give them that much


  47. Jordan Henderson was awarded MBE (Don’t know what it is). This for all the work he did raising money for charity to help NHS during the covid times. He is using his platform wisely.


  48. Another thing about optics . . . .
    At Trump’s first G7 in Sicily, he couldn’t walk 700 yards with the other world leaders, he needed a golf cart, which led to this optic:

    Liked by 3 people

  49. Really off topic
    “Mediocre” male managers are blocking women’s development in the finance world because they are better at office politics, new research suggests.
    Women also said many managers “faked empathy” on diversity, and more direct bosses were easier to work with.

    I’ll bet most of these male managers are white.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Am I reading correctly that someone here was disappointed that President Joe wasn’t on his knees and slobbering all over Putin the way the orange moron was a few years back?
    What next?
    Disappointment over the lack of “big beautiful love letters” to and from President Joe to Kim Il Jung?

    Liked by 4 people

  51. The election of Joe Biden as president has led to a dramatic shift in America’s international image. Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, publics around the world held the United States in low regard, with most opposed to his foreign policies. This was especially true among key American allies and partners. Now, a new Pew Research Center survey of 16 publics finds a significant uptick in ratings for the U.S., with strong support for Biden and several of his major policy initiatives.

    In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year.


    Optics anyone?

    Liked by 2 people

  52. I didn’t see Biden’s presser, but I did hear the last half-or-so on NPR while on the road today. So I can’t really speak to Mary’s take except to say the obvious–American presidents have been using teleprompters for scripted stuff since before she was born and it’s a bit silly to continue to make an issue of that.

    I also heard some soundbites that the analyst team were commenting in the post-game, so I think I got a pretty good idea of what issues he covered.

    The thing that stuck out for me, is how he kept riffing on “norms” rather than specific agreements, treaties, on-the-record commitments, etc. That’s probably smart politically. It does a lot of heavy lifting but it’s understandable to everyone.

    Guess I don’t have to add how nice, what a relief it is, to have a competent person that you don’t actively–can I use the word “hate” here?–doing this stuff on the world stage. Rather than just crapping on the Last Guy, I want to mention another replacement that might surprise you. It was the first time I was absorbing a presser from HW Bush. I didn’t vote for the guy, I found plenty to harshly criticize about the guy.

    But I couldn’t ever STAND Reagan. I thought he was pretty much a heartless*, buffoonish, unfunny, slow-witted son of a bitch, and I couldn’t see what on earth other Americans saw in the guy. GHWB at least knew WTF he was doing and he didn’t actively annoy me.

    Obviously I am much, much happier with Joe, but the feeling of relief is not completely dissimilar, is all I’m saying.

    * when he passed, I had to admit when thinking of something good to say, that RR absolutely did appear to be passionate about doing something about reducing the existential threat of nuclear annihilation, presumably out of concern for his fellow human beings. One can’t take that away from him.

    Liked by 3 people

  53. Are all Republicans in office from GA assholes?

    Liked by 4 people

  54. On a personal culinary note: if there’s anything that tastes appreciably better than just-dressed, still-warm tater salad that you’re packing up to go in the fridge to accompany dinner later and sampled just enough to call it a very modest “serving”, I can’t really think of it right now.

    (about a 5:1 mayo/apple cider vinegar, scallions, parsley, wee bit of salt/pepper and yellow/purple fingerlings, skin ON of course, if’n you wondered, and I realize that probably sounds revolting to someone who see this, takes all kinds and there’s no right way to do tater salad.)

    Oh,, and if you’re lurking, hi Philo!

    Liked by 4 people

      • I’d forgotten, but Mrs. SfD reminded me to add some Dijon mustard to give a bit of bite.

        I think dill’s subtlety would just get lost here. It’s a natural for plain warm taters though.


    • When we make a batch, we don’t refrigerate it for that evening’s meal–as you said, it’s better–at least to me, before the fridge takes the leftovers.

      I don’t see mustard, a teasp of sugar, and red bell pepper in your recipe. 😱

      Liked by 1 person

    • I will certainly be the odd man out on this topic however when it comes to tater salad.. I will pass
      While I don’t mind a little bit of mayo on a sandwich and even a burger sometimes I’m not down with any dish that’s slathered in mayo

      But it’s certainly a popular dish overall and a winner for most on the blog based on comments today and last week

      Liked by 2 people

  55. It’s a start, Joe:

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Interesting that no one is negoitating with Sinema…

    Liked by 2 people

    • this might be smart (and savvy! and realistic! but I digress)

      Only because I have heard on quite a few occasions “why do Democrats object to showing ID?”

      Obviously, we don’t generally have a problem with providing some form of identification so long as it’s not onerous to procure. In a perfect world we’d be like a lot of countries and just assume when you show up at the polls that you are who you claim you are and figure the likelihood of in-person fraud is so minuscule why freaking bother but fine, we could give a bit on this. Won’t keep me up nights.

      Obviously, and I don’t know how to get it through conservative voters’ skulls, when you apply for an absentee ballot you are presenting your ID/credentials. That’s it. You’re done. It’s then up to the freaking election officials to match things up, it’s not rocket science.


  57. “That was not a very impressive showing by Biden. I wanted, no, needed him to convince me that he could own the big moment. I wanted him to look strong and win the optics. Doing a teleprompter for his prepared portion was a very bad look. Unfortunately, I’m afraid the world saw a tired old man not up to the job of going against the likes of the scumbag, Putin.

    Thankful that Biden’s handlers kept him of a shared stage with Putin.”


    You are not a very impressive woman.

    I wanted, no, needed you to convince me that you are a real

    woman of substance.

    Seek to be worth knowing rather than well known !


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