Pure, unbridled hatred

It’s that time of year for friendships and family relationships to be tossed out the window.  It’s Iron Bowl time.

The state of Alabama has shut down for the evening.  There are brothers sitting beside each other ready to razz each other at the first possible moment.  Somewhere, a mother has temporarily disowned her child.  Even Joe Willie Namath has groomed the fur coat just a bit to give it a shine.

Enjoy the evening.  I’ve got my snacks ready to go, and I’m waiting for the kickoff.

Roll Tide Roll!!!

WWB – Walking While Black?

When I first read this story, I couldn’t believe my eyes, but the video posted to Facebook by Brandon B. Waxx McKean shows that you can now get stopped for Walking While Black.  Although, he was really stopped because he was walking with his hands in his pocket.

From Raw Story:

In the video the officer can be seen radioing in, asking dispatch to close out a contact file, before explaining to McKean that he was stopped because he was “making people nervous.”

“Well, you were making people nervous,” the officer explained as he took out his own cellphone and began filming the encounter.

“By walking by?” McKean asked.

“Yeah they said you had your hands in your pockets,” the officer replied.

“Wow,” McKean said. “Walking by, having your hands in your pockets makes people nervous and call the police when it’s snowing outside?” to which the officer admits, “It is.”

Asked by the officer, “What are you up to today?” McKean replied, “Walking, with my hands in my pockets. Walking.”

“Is it an inconvenience talking to me right now?” the officer asked.

“Hell yes. Just because of the whole police situation going on across the country,” an animated McKean replied. “This is outrageous that you would let somebody tell you ‘Oh, there’s somebody walking down the street with their hands in their pockets.’ There’s ten thousand people in Pontiac right now with their hands in their pockets, so how many —”

Now, I can understand people being nervous about strange people walking through their neighborhood and all.  If I see someone walking through my neighborhood that I don’t recognize, I’ll even take a second look at them.  I’m not going to call the police though, just because they have their hands in their pockets.

Geez, it’s cold as hell in Pontiac, Michigan this time of year.  As Brandon states, there’s probably thousands of people walking around with their hands in their pockets.

This crap has to stop.  If we’re the exceptional nation of freedom, you couldn’t get me to believe it.  People are acting like a bunch of scared little kids.  All Black people are not criminals.  All cops are not out to get you.  I swear we need a national dose of Prozac right about now.

I can honestly say that I have seen it all.  If not for the video and the officer’s admission, I would have never believed someone could have the cops called on them and stopped simply for having their hands in their pockets.  Way to go America…

Spread love

“Spread love, instead of spreading lies
Spread love, the truth needs no disguise
I’ve often said love could open any door
Oh, but I wish we had much more
More love is what we need”Take 6

This year, Thanksgiving has me sorting through more emotions than a Fed Ex worker sorting boxes.  Within the past two weeks, a close friend of mine lost her sister who I was friends with as well and I lost a close cousin.  Last month, my wife and I welcomed a son into this world, our third child.

Over the past year, I’ve experienced happiness, sadness, triumph, and failure.  Through everything I’ve experienced first hand and witnessed, the predominant emotion through all this has been hope.  Hope that no matter what, the next day will be better than the previous one.

With everything going on in this society, I think we could use a healthy dose of love.  As the saying goes, Love conquers all.  When you love someone, you’re less likely to purposefully hurt them or cause them harm.  When you love something, you’re not going to purposefully damage or destroy it.

For those celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.  If you’re not celebrating, then I wish you a day of happiness and love.


Let’s not forget, we’ve overcome much worse than Ferguson

I haven’t kicked any trashcans, but I feel the same frustration. I’ve sewn a few strings of four letter words that would make a seamstress stare in awe at my stitch work.

I don’t condone the burning and looting that’s taking place, but I understand the anger behind it.

Like you, I struggled to think of something to say last night, but the words were just not there. I knew the outcome as soon as the grand jury was announced, but that still didn’t make the announcement any easier to listen to.

I grieve for the parents of Michael Brown as they won’t be able to hug their son on Christmas morning as I’ll be able to do mine. I grieve for those who saw their businesses get trashed as they had nothing to do with the circumstances of the justice system in Ferguson or St. Louis County. I also pray for the soul of Darren Wilson. Even though man has let him off the hook, he still has to answer for the blood on his hands before God.

Expounding a bit on immigration

President Obama can not legally give anyone legal status in the United States.  That has to come by way of Congressional action.  Those of you who believe that whole amnesty thing need to go and read up on immigration law a bit.

The President, by being the head of the Executive Branch, is the point person for the enforcement of law.  What his executive actions can do is direct how a particular law or set of laws is enforced.  He cannot change law either.  So, don’t believe that crap.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, did not legalize any children brought here to the US.  It did not give them a legal pathway to citizenship nor did alter their current legal status.  It only gave them a temporary reprieve for being subject to orders of removal.  They are still subject to grounds of inadmissibility, and they can be removed if the situation warrants removal.

What we need is a Congress that has the balls to be honest with America.  We need a media that has the balls to be honest with America.  We need an America that has the balls to be honest with America.

Obama cannot grant amnesty, and I doubt he intends to do so.  His actions can only direct enforcement of immigration law.  Congress has the power to grant amnesty, and I doubt they will do so.  They can, however, do what’s necessary to settle our immigration issues.  Instead, they’re too damn busy trying to score political points by stirring up the base, pushing ideological lies that do nothing but make people angry.

Obama, for his part, is playing political games as well.  He’s asked Congress numerous times to work on immigration, and they have chosen not to.  By pushing EOs, he’s basically goading them into doing something.  Whether it turns out to be meaningful or strictly political is up to Congress.