Benghazi as a fundraising tool? Seriously??

You can tell that it’s an election year.  This week, Lois Lerner has been held in contempt of Congress for exercising her Constitutional rights.  Then, there’s the go-to, defacto, base rousing scandal known as Benghazi.

It seems that the original accusation by Republicans that accused the Obama administration of playing politics with the death of 4 Americans has flipped 180 degrees with Republicans now playing politics, using dead Americans as fundraising tools.  Here’s three different screen captures that I took less than an hour ago.

National Republican Senatorial Committee

Just click the green button in the upper left hand corner.  There's nothing political about this.

Just click the green button in the upper left hand corner. There’s nothing political about this.

National Republican Congressional Committee

Who knew that demanding answers from Congress would set you back $25 at a minimum?

Who knew that demanding answers from Congress would set you back $25 at a minimum?

The American Center for Law and Justice

If you demand the truth from the ACLJ, they'll save you $5 off the Congressional going rate.

If you demand the truth from the ACLJ, they’ll save you $5 or more off the current Congressional rate.

The common thread between those three screens has to do with the word “DONATE”.  If you’re very passionate about demanding answers, you can turn your donation into a monthly tax-deductible gift.  How can you claim that the Obama administration was playing politics with this attack when you’re using it as a fundraising tool?  Did anybody stop long enough to contemplate the optics of this, or does the GOP operate in a vacuum-sealed, logic-free environment?  I see that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) did, but obviously, he doesn’t hold any sway within the decision-making apparatus of the GOP.

What happened in Benghazi was a tragedy, nobody’s debating that.  What I don’t understand is why there is such a focus on how the talking points were formulated as opposed to what should be important, finding and capturing the people responsible for this.  To date, it’s reported that eight different congressional committees have looked into the Benghazi attack.  There have been more than a dozen hearings, 50 briefings, and more than 25,000 documents have been examined while investigating the attack.  Now, we’re going to have a select committee do another investigation based on an email that talked about the talking points.

When does America get to hear what Congress is going to do to ensure the safety of our fellow citizens abroad?  What legislation have they enacted to put programs in place so there is a quick response force within distance if one is ever needed?  When do we hear about the great programs enacted to defuse tensions between America and other countries all around the world?  What has the president done to reassess and reinforce security for our personnel in dangerous and threatening environments?

I can’t speak for any other Americans, but I can honestly care less about damn talking points.  I want to know what has been done to avoid another situation just like this.  To date, I don’t recall any type of security legislation that has been passed by Congress to actually address security and safety issues for Americans working overseas, but please continue to dazzle us with bullsh*t and use the death of Americans as a means to pad your campaign coffers.  That’s the new age American Exceptionalism at work.

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