Thank you veterans

I love that video.  I’ve always been fascinated by the C-5 Galaxy, and I even wanted to join the Air Force to fly one.  If I could today, I’d still seriously consider joining to get a seat in a C-5.  Age would keep that from happening now though, not to mention the worsening condition of my knees.

Thank you military veterans.  Thank you for sacrificing your time, energy, and your lives for the missions you were ordered or even volunteered to do.  No, Brosephus did not serve in the military.  Not because I didn’t want to, but because my mother gave me strongly worded advice about the temporary nature of life and how short mine would have been had I gone into the military after high school.

My family is steeped in military participation.  From Iwo Jima in WWII, to Vietnam, and including Iraq and Afghanistan, my family has been present in conflicts around the world.  Even more have served in peacetime.  I know my family isn’t the only one either, and I know the emotions that families go through when members are overseas or out on patrol.

We shouldn’t limit our thanks to veterans to one or two days a year, but I do observe the day set aside specifically to honor vets.  Thank you all for your service to country regardless of the branch or time you served.

4 thoughts on “Thank you veterans

  1. Amen Bro! It’s too bad that, like the police forces, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the reputations of millions of good, true Veterans. Thanks Veterans!


  2. Very nicely said. Thank you.

    And, you are most welcome.

    PS the C5’s size is deceiving. Hard to believe takeoff speed is 140, isn’t it?


    • When you look at the size of that bird, it is very deceiving indeed. With a little knowledge of mathematics and physics, one realizes why. The huge wings, thewing surface area, and those massive power plants tucked underneath those wings work wonders. 😉


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