Be the change you want to happen

Senior Airman Roger Fortson

It’s been a while since I posted, and that’s not because I didn’t have things on my mind. I just haven’t had enough time to sit in front of the screen and peck away at the keyboard. As a matter of fact, I’m doing this while waiting for some ground chicken to thaw in order to prepare dinner for the family before I get outside and cut the grass. Life has just been doing its thing like that for me over the past month. Anyway, I think I figured a way to get multiple topics into a single post, and I’ll try to get this one done quickly

The picture at the top is that of Senior Airman Roger Fortson. In a sane world, he’d still be alive and enjoying his Sunday afternoon right now instead of being one of several topics of conversation in this country. It’s a sad sign of the times that his story isn’t much different than stories we’ve heard before.

He was killed by a sheriff’s deputy responding to a domestic call in which the deputy ended up at the wrong apartment. Again. This is the same department that shot up one of their own vehicles when an acorn dropped on the car, and the deputy thought he was under fire. There are obvious training issues with this department, but that’s not my focus today.

Fortson was killed because a deputy saw a gun in the hands of a Black man and reacted. Never mind that Florida is a gun-friendly state, and Fortson was not breaking any laws. As in previous cases, there was no reason for deadly force to be used by the officer. At no point was that deputy in any danger, and there was no reason to fear for his life or the life of anyone in the immediate vicinity. I can say this with confidence because the deputy didn’t give any time for Fortson to begin to make a threatening move. If simply having your hand on a gun was enough to establish the use of deadly force, this guy here would be dead.

Guess what, he’s not. In fact, that officer would be dead if the guy with the hand on his gun had any bad intentions. Action is always faster than reaction. Both officers could be shot before either one of them got their guns out of their holster.

Also happening today, President Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse. There have been protests about him being there due to the war going on in Israel. I commend both the people who were protesting Biden’s appearance as well as the school for ensuring the ceremony was held with no problems. What I don’t like is how the issue is trying to be used to drive a wedge into the Black community.

There are legitimate issues being put forth about America’s involvement with Israel and the treatment of Palestinians. I haven’t addressed that issue on this blog yet, but I guess I’ll put my $.02 online today. I believe that Israel’s government has gone too far with their actions towards the Palestinian people just as I believe that our actions after 9/11 were wrong.

Terrorist acts are crimes and not acts of war in my honest opinion. The response to an act of terrorism, therefore, should be more of a law enforcement action instead of a military response. We screwed that up royally after 9/11, and Israel’s government is doing the same post 10/7. Use law enforcement to capture the bad actors and allow the criminal courts to handle things. Bombs and bullets do nothing more than kill innocent people and recruit more people willing to fight along with the terrorists.

I’ll ask this question of those who are blaming Biden and America for not coming to the rescue of the Palestinian people. When has America ever came to the aid of brown people out of altruistic intent? We forced Haiti to pay restitution for overthrowing the yoke of slavery. We didn’t come to the aid of Rwanda. We didn’t stop the massacre in Sudan. We’re not even doing anything to help the people of the Congo. Why would Palestinians be any different than our historical actions?

These two situations, Fortson and Israel, are very different from each other, but they come from the same root issue. America does not value the life of some as much as they value the lives of others. No amount of protesting will change that history as fast as we can change it by becoming agents of change. There are several ways of bringing that change to fruition, but not voting is definitely not on that list. That idea needs to die a horrible death.

If you’re unhappy with the political parties, get involved with the primaries and stuff. If you only vote in the general elections, then you’re left to vote for candidates that others have selected for you. Primaries is where the rubber hits the road. If you want to change the party, you have to change the people in the seats. That comes from growing candidates at the local level and getting them on ballots through the primary process.

There is no requirement that an incumbent has to be re-elected, nor is there any law that an incumbent cannot be challenged. If you go that route, don’t half-ass it with someone that isn’t ready for that kind of battle. Change happens first at the local level long before anything happens at the federal level. Roe was undone because of state law. While people are focusing their ire on President Biden, Congress should get just as much heat, if not more. They have the power to legislate the actions of the Executive Branch.

At the local level, police departments need to be changed. I thought having body cameras would bring some change as more and more people could see what was happening to fellow citizens. Instead, we created a sub-industry that amounts to snuff films. Trying to legislate change through training isn’t going to work because you cannot train people to adopt behaviors when they refuse to be trained. The personnel must be replaced, and they have to be replaced with people who are willing to change the nature of policing from what it has historically been in this country.

This change won’t be easy, and it will take the involvement and commitment of more than just people who are personally affected by the issues. When I see people complaining about issues but refusing to actually effect change, I now wonder if they’re complaining as some type of performance for likes or recognition vs wanting to truly change this society for the better. I’ve offered my views on policing before, and I work every day to change things from the inside. I’m not quite ready to throw my hat into the political arena, but you never know what the future holds.

If you’re like me and are tired of these issues reoccurring over and over again, don’t just ask someone to make changes you want to see. Be that change yourself. I hope this makes sense because I feel like I’ve been rambling. Either way, let me know what you think in the comments. I’ve gotta get started on dinner now. DFACS doesn’t like it when you don’t feed the kids. 🙂

2,715 thoughts on “Be the change you want to happen

  1. Long before the FairTax book scam created by John Linder and Kneel Boortz, I entertained the idea of a national sales tax as a viable alternative to the income tax.

    On the surface, it seemed like a good way to insure that there’s no way anyone could deduct their way outta paying — if’n ya spend money, ya pay taxes. Then it was smartsplained to me that since I pretty much spend all my income on goods/services, then my tax rate would jump to 100%. I was supporting an idea which was the direct opposite of my best interests.

    Then, the FairTax proposal came out with its prebate (no, the US govt. will not cut a check to every household once a year), carved out exceptions and complicated arithmatikin’ and I said to myself, “Self, even if this bill somehow gets passed, it will be altered by the legislative process.”

    I doubted it would work in it’s pristine form, but once it gets changed all that fancy mathing done by messers Linder and Boortz goes right out the window.

    It won’t fund the military industrial complex, let alone the entire US government.

    There used to be smart enough Republican congressional folk who unnerstood this, which is why it never got a committee hearing

    Now, this idea has emerged . . .

    ‘Every bone-headed idea’: GOP blasted for blindly backing ‘staggering’ Trump plan

    . . . and I am concerned there izza dearth of Republicans who are intelligent enough to oppose this.

    But the GOP has closed ranks around the idea, with RNC spokesperson Anna Kelly saying, “The notion that tariffs are a tax on U.S. consumers is a lie pushed by outsourcers and the Chinese Communist Party.”

    Meanwhile, we would be losing $3 trillion in tax revenue per year, and there’s no way to make that much from tariffs — $3 trillion is roughly the total value of all the goods we import annually.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Steve Bannon’s Prison Time Will Be Harsher Than ‘Club Fed’ Setup, CNN Reports

    “Not at all what Steve Bannon was wanting here,” a reporter said of the Trump ally’s probable digs behind bars.

    are you guys kidding me? If the fuckingconvict wins the WH ass holes like him will send people who disagrees with them to the worst prison to the likes of Ryker. He should be sent to a prison like Ryker and do hard labor including solitary like Michael Cohen did.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I went to vote today after my dentist appointment. I got there around 0920 and I was the first person they had. Granted, it was a runoff and there were only two people on the ballot. I also couldn’t help notice a rather skeevy looking gentleman in a pickup in the parking lot. My polling location is an elementary school, so no real reason for someone to be sitting in the parking lot.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Generally there is now a police officer assigned to the precincts (at least in Fulton County). They often sit in their cars all day. They may not all use marked cars. Campaigning inside the 150 ft limit is a violation but this may be monitoring. You can report it to the precinct manger or even better, call the campaign office of the person you are voting for and report it. They have monitors and others who can check it out.

      Liked by 5 people

    • I wouldn’t sweat it. Could just be someone a local organization (maybe even a voting rights group) paid to keep an eye on things. Could be he’s probably on the hook to have as boring a day as I’m having here working for the county, making sure the ballot scanner doesn’t get jammed and handing out stickers.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Tesla has canceled several Cybertruck deliveries, with users on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum citing a safety issue affecting the pickup’s gigantic windshield wiper.

    Hey Elmo you hire the bestest. Frigging idiots can’t even make a workable simple equipment like a windshield wiper. Geez

    Liked by 3 people

  5. The New York Court of Appeals on Tuesday declined to hear former President Donald Trump’s appeal of the gag order in the hush money case in which he was convicted last month.

    The court said it was dismissing the appeal “upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved.”

    hear is to the appeals court. 🥰🥰🥰

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  6. Hakeem Jeffries (bro Rufus i got it right this time lol) was with Rs inviting Netanyahu to speak in the Congress. However Pelosi is openly against it. Some Ds support Hakeem and some don’t. I am with Pelosi. Any other Israeli leader I can support like Gantz. Not this criminal murderous thug. He is the reason Oct 7 happened and killing of innocent people hasn’t stopped.

    PS I love to listen to the comedic routine by Jim Jeffries specially the bit about guns. That is comedy gold and he conveys a serious message.


  7. So much for “good guy with a gun.”

    Chris Murphy for Prezzy:

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  8. Liked by 3 people

  9. India’s “stored” nuclear warheads were 172 in January this year, while the number for Pakistan was 170.

    These two countries can barely feed more than half their population and yet they possess enough nuclear weapons to kill each other 300 times over. I hate their fucking politicians.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Kylian Mbappe admits he ‘doesn’t want to represent France’ if they vote for far-right parties as France star urges young people to turn out in upcoming elections

    Kylian Mbappe has hinted that he won’t be interested in representing France if the people vote for far-right parties in the upcoming election.

    he is putting his name recognition for good work. We need a name like we have Swifty or something like that.

    good morning everybody. It is kind of hot already in a small town.

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  11. Remember when the cons went on a spree trying to rename everything after Reagan?

    Before the MAGA morons rename everything in this country,(and probably the country itself) after DJT they might should consider where the last cultish figure they buffoonishly worshiped ended up in their canon…

    really, I have no words for this level of sycophancy…

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Bannon’s lawyers have written to the DC US Circuit Court of Appeals that his imprisonment shouldn’t happen this summer, as the trial-level judge has ordered, because he would be behind bars “for the four-month period leading up to the November election, when millions of Americans look to him for information on important campaign issues,”

    Golly gee, maybe he should have served his sentence back when it was assessed. Can we please show these people that actions have consequences? PLEASE?

    Liked by 3 people

  13. This world country/world have gone STARK RAVING MAD. . .

     May God lead us through these horrifying times.

     There is an underground subculture known as Feederism.

    Feederism, a fat fetish focused on erotic eating, feeding,

    and gaining weight, is an exaggeration of a sexual arousal

    pattern commonly seen in the general population.

    Caitlin’s Horrifying Escape from Death Feederism


  14. Good news: Bannon will not serve his sentence at Club Fed

    Better news: He will serve in a low security prison, not to be confused with a minimum security person due to the fact he has been charged with another felony (defrauding donors in a fundraising effort branded the “We Build the Wall”)

    Best news: if he’s in low security prison when his defrauding donors trial starts, he could end up in Rikers.

    Not too shabby

    Liked by 6 people

  15. Brazil seeks pro-Bolsonaro rioters who fled to Argentina

    Country asks Argentina to identify rioters’ whereabouts and status before deciding to request extraditions

    Throw them in the dungeon. LOL


  16. A military veteran from upstate New York revealed in his own obituary that he was gay after keeping his sexuality under wraps his whole life.

    Col. Edward Thomas Ryan, who died at age 85 on June 1, wrote that he “just could not” come out as gay when he was alive after “seeing how people like me were treated.”

    “I was afraid of being ostracized,” he said.

    “Now that my secret is known, I’ll forever Rest in Peace,” Ryan concluded the obituary published in the Albany Times-Union on June 8.

    Finally he has peace. Terrible way to treat a decorated vet when he was alive.

    Liked by 4 people

  17. Bottom line — Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,500 votes. Arguing “why” only obscures that fact.

    In fact, Biden won a slight majority in Pennsylvania (50.01%) which Trump failed to do 4 years earlier (48.18%)

    Vance and Douthat can fuck off.

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  18. According to the Goodison News website, Friedkin is going to sack Sean Dyche once he buys the team.

    Yet another American billionaire who thinks he is the smartest guy in the EPL but doesn’t have a clue.

    Dyche is the reason they didn’t get relegated. Next season will be a struggle and they need Dyche.

    Liked by 2 people

      • What cracks me up is the rumors that they want to replace Dyche with a “big name” – like that is a long term solution.

        Maybe Friedkin and his associates have never heard of Carlo Ancelotti.


        • It’s not an exact match with the going’s on at The Bridge, but I see a parallel.

          Poch got CFC into Europa play like Dyche kept Everton from relegation, but that doesn’t seem to matter. Never mind that it took two quality managers to achieve those things.


  19. On a horse farm in northern Virginia, surrounded by sprawling fields and stables, the family gathers at their younger sister Adrienne’s house – something they’ve done a lot in the three months since their father took his own life after falling victim to a so-called “pig butchering” scam.

    The scams – mostly run out of Southeast Asia – are given that name because they involve “fattening up” victims before taking everything they have. The con artists behind them take on false online identities and spend months financially grooming their victims to get them to invest on fraudulent cryptocurrency websites.

    my kid told me about a man, father of a good friend, got scammed off close to a $1 mill by Chinese scammer from China. My kid told me so I will be aware of it.

    I told him I used to deal with a few Chinese outfits selling them recycling plastics. I made money but they would screw you in a heart beat. Where I lost money was when I got scammed by a white American who I knew for close to 10 years. That’s business.

    those who think the orangeconvict was not scamming the government and his vendors, wake up by shoving a red hot poker up your own ass. Geez.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. German investigators make record $2.8 billion cocaine seizure

    Prosecutors confiscated more than 70 tons of cocaine thanks to a tip off from Colombian authorities.

    Holy cow. That is a lot of dope off the street.

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  21. A former Trump-era senior Pentagon official questioned Sunday whether German Chancellor Olaf Scholz “really knows what he’s talking about in the American context” after he offered strong praise for President Joe Biden at the G7 summit.

    Elbridge Colby — who served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development from 2017 to 2018 and is poised for a major national security role if Donald Trump is elected again —posted on X: “I think staying out of each other’s elections is better.”

    sounds like a threat MF. Olaf said in G7 meeting “one of the most experienced politicians in the world” and “a man who knows exactly what he is doing” in an interview with Axel Springer media outlets.

    it is like you AH inviting Netnyahu to talk to the joint session. I am glad a lot of Ds are boycotting that rambling. Germany is an economic power house and doesn’t need US help. They are not the genocidal maniac Republicans are inviting.

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  22. On today’s episode of Convicted Felon American Hitler Wannabe, after hearing a claim from former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin stated the former president was furious about leakers in his administration and insisted they should be put to death. These are the same people who would happily go find a Jew for Hitler. and later claim that they never really believed he would create death camps.

    Speaking with host Kaitlan Collins at the time [April], Barr glibly addressed earlier accusations by telling the CNN host, “I remember him being very mad about that. I actually don’t remember him saying executing, but, you know, I wouldn’t dispute it. You know, it doesn’t sound — the president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would have actually carried it out, you know. “

    “But he would say that on other occasions?” Collins pressed.

    You know, the president had — I think people sometimes took him too literally and, you know, he would say things like similar to that on occasions to blow off steam, but I wouldn’t take him literally every time he did it,” he parried.

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  23. Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese are being used in a race war that is not fair to either athlete or the game of basketball. — RGIII

    He late to the party but it’s true.

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  24. a little after 930 power went off. Moved to the garage where it is a tad bit cooler because of shade trees around that part. Reported to the power company and finally got the power back and then the internet. I am good now.

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  25. Comes as no surprise it’s hotter’n blazes out there, and getting you some means it’s prudent to do on as shady a trail as possible. But it can be done!

    I’m still breathing, Rescue Mutt’s still breathing, but we’re indoors, appreciating the fine work of Willis Haviland Carrier, without whom this region would be more or less uninhabitable.

    Later on I’m due to serve this Republic as a poll worker. It’s just a short meeting this afternoon but tomorrow’s the brutal 14 hour day. For which one does get paid the Big Bux. Eventually. Or so it’s rumored.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Did the NYT correctly portray Biden’s ad-buy? Yes.

    Is Donald J. McConvicted34TimesOnFelonyChagesFace a felon? Yes.

    Will dumbass foxbots spin this into some kinda victim-hood on their part? Yes.

    The NYT is trying to makes sweet sweet bank, Trump has committed crimes thru much of his life, and for years, dumbass foxbots have been programmed to be poutraged at perceived affronts.

    In all 3 instances — it’s what they do

    Liked by 4 people

  27. Apparently we are not a democracy, we are a republic which means if one group does not get their way in an election, they threaten to turn to violence and to kill and attack their enemies. Apparently MAGA thinks America was great pre-1776.

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  28. Friends and colleagues keep telling me not to worry….

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    • And if he does not have immunity, if elected, he will pardon himself, terminate his cases and then go after Biden for just beating him in 2020 and anything else, as well as a whole lot of other people, including any CEO who does not kiss his fat ass.

      Liked by 5 people

  29. Donald Trump’s criminal conviction didn’t instantly upend the 2024 presidential race. But the results of a new poll should be worrying for Trump.

    come on MSN correctly report what Politico is saying. Noooo cnn will not have any of it. They will continuing with both sidism. FTGs

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  30. I don’t know what Jim Jeffries did to push through the Ukraine help through the Congress, it is greatly appreciated and has given Ukrainians renewed hope. Before the bill passed the Ukrainian military was running low on everything. Now the newly arriving ammo is pushing back the Russians where they made some advances eliminating a lot of Russian soldiers and equipments. The help is devastating the Russian defence in Crimea too. The supplied missiles are blinding the Russian defences which will keep the F 16 safer when they start their attacks.

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    • I’m not sure when we’re supposed to start saying “bring it, we’re ready and we’ll use our bang-shootie things to demolish you” but for now I’m awaiting orders.

      Our corporate media aren’t going to have the balls to let Trumpers know that there’s a fuck-ton of lefties who’d love to get their literal shots in, but we knew that. Can’t upset the geriatric tote-baggers who pay the subscription bills, I guess?

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        • they will take it

          Huh? “they” and what army? Did y’all forget that the orange clown was still commander in chief when Jan. 6 went down?

          I’m pretty sure we’ve got stuff in the bowels of the Patriot Act that allows Biden to have problematic individuals disappeared with extreme prejudice. Sleepy Joe, former Veep and Senator (remember?) has likely forgotten more about military options than DJT managed to learn when he was beating off in the White House.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Very seriously here, I have to figure if a peace, love, and understanding gentleman such as myself is ready to lock and load to save this Republic, there’s gotta be at least a million or so who aren’t just ready but armed and well stocked and, perhaps, itching to give these traitorous MFers what Air America Radio briefly referred to as “liberal lead.”

            (good luck finding any evidence that it was in fact part of the wacky morning show bits that Marc Maron used to do. You won’t find it, but yep. They used to advocate such tactics with goofy cartoon ricochet sound effects. On the AM band, on the drive to work.)

            Liked by 1 person

  31. Look man, if you don’t think the whiny wimp will take that debate stage then I guess you don’t believe I’m the starting NL center fielder for the All Star game. Damn.

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  32. Massad Boulos has taken on the challenge of trying to convince a politically influential community angry at President Joe Biden that Trump is a better option. But many Arab Americans also note Trump has positioned himself as more pro-Israel than Biden and has made a series of comments and policy announcements that critics blast as Islamophobic.

    Good morning folks. Couldn’t get more than half mile today.

    on the italicized portion, if the Arab American vote for the convict because Tiffany’s FIL, you guys as dumb as shit like the Maga crowd. Do you people not remember the Muslim ban by this orangeconvict trying it on 2017?

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  33. Liked by 4 people

    • unfortunately her constituent and supporters love the crap she doles out. I recently read that among the R reps she brings in 5th largest contributions among all fellow reps. Only way to get rid of her is to convict her ass on some serious charges and throw her in jail. I don’t she any other alternatives.

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    • It’s against a Turning Point backdrop, that’s Charlie Kirk’s fascist outfit. If I had a hand on this Administration’s tiller their 501c3 status would be deep sixed and arrest warrants issued by now, but… well, Biden probably knows what he’s doing, timing-wise, and I digress.

      Anyhow the answer is, MTG is more less identified as the outer limits of electoral political lunacy even among most conservatives. I saw an AJC headline this morning that’s since disappeared, but it was two pasty white guys asserting “we’re not trying to be the next MTG” in their upcoming runoff.

      So that’s why it’s not a bigger story. MTG seems ready to do just about anything outside of hardcore porn at this point to try to remain in the game, methinks.


  34. What about Horace Silver’s original version?

    Well first, I wasn’t aware of that version, and (b) I wuz streaming the Jazz station WDCB outta Chicago where I heard the Louis Hayes version with Gregory Porter featured on vocals and I thought I’d share.


  35. The teams are in for the England Serbia match.

    The England lineup is exactly what I expected.

    England (4-2-3-1): Pickford; Walker, Stones, Guehi, Trippier; Alexander-Arnold, Rice; Saka, Bellingham, Foden; Kane.

    Expect Serbia to attack down England’s left side. They have exactly 1 left footed player on that side – Phil Foden. Southgate should have picked Branthwaite

    I’ve got to see how the TAA in MF experiment works. I think they will be fine against Serbia and Slovenia but against Germany, France and Spain IMHO they are going to need a double pivot – Rice + (likely Gallagher) to not be overrun in midfield.


  36. Happy Father’s Day to all of you amazing fathers. . . . .👨

    Judging from your comment you are a bunch of amazing fathers.

    A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed,

    and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.

    Good fathers do three things: they provide, they nurture, and they guide.

    Liked by 4 people

  37. Fox News guest host Sean Duffy told his wife on national television that she “looked better” when she was working out.

    in our town young hot petite secretaries drive expensive fancy cars. Wives drive SUVs. 😁😁

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  38. He’s got rhythm, yeah, when he stomps his feet
    He sends me right off to sleep
    Check all your razors and your guns
    Do the shim-sham-shimmy ’til the rising sun

    Give me a reefer and a gang of gin
    Play me ’cause I’m in my sin
    Blame me ’cause I’m full of gin

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Just, WOW!

    Fox News guest host Sean Duffy told his wife on national television that she “looked better” when she was working out.

    During a Father’s Day segment about fitness guru Jillian Michaels, Duffy suggested that his wife, Rachel Campos-Duffy, could use a workout plan.

    Liked by 4 people

    • A cool pairing to be sure. The timeline was where it was when it was recorded.

      But seeing Ella reminded me of how way back in the 1930s, she was entranced by the Boswell Sisters, in particular the scat-singing technique of Connee Boswell. You just never know where these influences will lead.

      And because I never tire of having it linked here, dig the sisters’ pre-war Rock and Roll. As Jeffrey can attest, sisterhood remains powerful.

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  40. After seeing the pictures of people taking to the streets in Israel yesterday demanding new elections. I am reminded of what Jon Stewart said, the only place you can disagree with Israel is in Israel.

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  41. President Obama on the stakes of 2024: “What we’re seeing now is a byproduct of 2016 where a whole bunch of folks, for whatever reason, sat out. They said, ‘well, we’re not enthusiastic, we’re not feeling inspired, why bother’. And hopefully, we have learned our lesson. Because these elections matter in very concrete ways and we are now seeing how much it matters when it comes to the Supreme Court.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • “What we’re seeing now is a byproduct of 2016 where a whole bunch of folks, for whatever reason, sat out. They said, ‘well, we’re not enthusiastic, we’re not feeling inspired, why bother’.

      I would date that back to 1980. Hillary won the popular election by almost 3 million votes with a voting age participation (VAP) rate of 54.8% and a voting eligible participation (VEP) of 59.2% The 1980 election numbers were 52.8% and 54.2%.

      I’ve posted this before.

      Scroll 2/3rds of the way down the page for the table.

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    • Just my personal views, but fuck anyone who complains about not being inspired to vote, doubly so if they’re Black. The only inspiration I need to vote is remembering that people died just to ensure that I could. If voting were not so damned important, Republicans wouldn’t be trying to throw every roadblock they can into keeping my community and other minorities from voting.

      My only complaint is that there isn’t country-wide enthusiasm to match mine for voting. We get what we allow to happen. Not showing up for the primaries and being involved in candidate preparation along with apathy ends up biting us in the ass. Democracy isn’t something you can vote once and it self-fulfils afterwards. You have to continuously work at it every damn day as though it will collapse if you don’t do the daily work.

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  42. PSA for those who still send letters, the cost of a forever stamp will be increasing from $0.68 to $0.73 in July. I rarely send letters but still send cards.

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  43. Any tipped employee who believes they will pay no taxes if they vote for Trump will join the group of people still waiting for his infrastructure and health care plans, their accredited degrees from Trump University, for Mexico to build the wall, and Hillary to be locked up.

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  44. If’n you thought replacing income taxes with The FairTax wuz the mostest stupidest proposal in the history of mostest stupidest proposals, ever — Donald J. Stupidhead sez, “Just hold mah beer and watch DIS!”

    “Trump floated the idea of ‘imposing an all tariff policy that would ultimately enable the U.S. to get rid of the income tax.’ That is, Trump reportedly discussed abolishing income taxes and making up for all the lost revenue purely through taxes on imported goods,” the analyst wrote before adding the result would be “catastrophic for the economy and ordinary Americans.”

    Liked by 6 people

  45. We aren’t meant to evolve.

    Once we’ve destroyed ourselves… if the whales, octopi, and dolphins manage to survive our self destruction, they will be left behind to evolve and vie for dominance on the planet.

    I feel more strongly about this by the day as I watch the country and the world literally devolve around me.

    Anyway Happy Father’s Day!!! Get out there and enjoy the planet now, while you still can.

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    • I think the Yellowstone mega-volcano eruption will accomplish that. Supposedly, it will wipe out 80-90% of biologic life while it locks the earth in an eons long ice-age.

      Liked by 3 people

    • We aren’t meant to evolve.

      Yes we are. Drag yourself out of whatever hole you’re in and accept that our species is only a quarter-million years into its evolution and it’s got a ways to go.

      And no, those jackasses in Devo (Mothersbaugh and Casale) weren’t right, although they certainly were clever about it and managed to get one of the greatest rock albums of all time out of the cockamamie theory, I’ll give them that much.


  46. I was listening to BBC World news earlier today and it was interesting to hear about protestors in Israel demanding Netanyahu (I think yahoo is a more appropriate suffix) accept the ceasefire plan. You know, the one he has already accepted but just won’t tell anyone (that behind closed doors, wink-wink, knudge-knudge sort of thing that Biden supposedly prefers).

    Liked by 2 people

  47. According to The Liverpool Echo, Dan Friedkin is the favorite to buy Everton. A year after buying Roma he fired Paulo Fonseca and appointed The Special One as manager.


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        • Maybe moar seein’ as how Turkey izza step down from the big 5 pro leagues of England, Italy, Spain, Germany and France. Three of those five have employed him and I doubt France or Germany will have anything to do with him. If no club in those countries hired him in his heyday . . . .

          I seem to recall that you once said he had a shelf life of about 17 months.

          From Turkey, it’s either back to pro clubs in Portugal, Brazil/South America, the MLS or retirement.

          I really don’t see any national team taking a chance on him ruining them for WC play

          Liked by 1 person

  48. “The constant problem with Donald Trump is that he shoots from the hip, and that always undermined the politics, for in some ways he actually has decent political instincts,” he said.

    The constant problem with Republicans — even the ones who disparage Trump — is they just can’t quit lying about him. Shooting from the hip is the exact opposite of decent political instincts.

    “But he can’t help himself by doing things like this and revealing his true character, for he thinks maybe he said it behind closed doors. He says all kinds of crazy stuff like this all the time. … I’ve been in rooms hearing him say stuff like this to me and it reminds people that is not a very stable person at a time we need strong leadership. He’s not really something you can rely on.”

    He can’t help himself, AND he’s unstable and unreliable?

    He’s a convicted felon, a terrible liar, he owes a half a billion dollars in fines on his fraudulent behavior and he doesn’t know that Venezuela is in South America.

    WTF, dude? He’s a terrible human being and the current representation of 20th century conservatism. Own it, or shut the fuck up already.

    ‘Can’t help himself’: GOP insider says fear of jail forced Trump’s ‘horrible city’ insult

    Liked by 7 people

  49. Pretty ballsy of Trump – taking credit for Biden’s achievements in lowering black unemployment while in a black church – all the while being in blackface himself.

    Liked by 4 people

  50. Another episode in the Tiny Desk Concerts’ tribute to Black Women in Music series…

    I don’t know who this LexLuthier guy is in the comments but I think he nailed it:

    Liked by 3 people

    • @LexLuthier1

      19 minutes ago Notes: 1. I think that percussionist should be drug tested. I wanna do some of what he’s doing. 2. The bassist used to play a 21-string bass, but in this minimalist phase of his career, he’s honed it down to 7 strings. 3. Backup singers never get enough credit. 4. Chaka Khan looks and sounds better than ever.

      Liked by 3 people

  51. Next week is match-day two fer group B with Croatia v. Albania on Wed. followed by Italy v. Spain on Thur. I kinda wish those match ups were taking place on match-day three

    Liked by 1 person

  52. He said Milwaukee is a horrible city. It was confirmed by several Republicans who were there.

    Now it’s false and a “complete lie” by Democrats who weren’t in the room.

    It is not that he’s a lying piece of shit, it is that he is so bad at lying.

    The Democrats are making up stories that I said Milwaukee is a “horrible city.” This is false, a complete lie, just like the Laptop from Hell was a lie, Russia, Russia, Russia, was a lie, and so much more. It’s called Disinformation, and that’s all they know how to do. I picked Milwaukee, I know it well. It should therefore lead to my winning Wisconsin. But the Dems come out with this fake story, just like all of the others. It never ends. Don’t be duped. Who would say such a thing with that important State in the balance? Vote for Trump, Wisconsin, I will not let you down!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  53. This is actually the editorial policy of the NYT.

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  54. you know why Melania didn’t send a birthday greetings to her convicted hubby? She is busy counting the ways she can screw him out of some DJT shares when he sells it. She ought hire a Abbie Lowell caliber attorney.

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    • I can only guess the particulars of her and Donald J. McPussyGrabberFace’s prenup aren’t in her favor, and I also wonder what obligations she owes Putin seein’ as how I’m sure she’s a regular Red Sparrow honey trap, but I don’t envy her. If she waits for spousal inheritance, she in for a protracted fight with his children over a debt ridden pile of crap. If the ultimate goal is maneuvering Barron in the White House, that’s another 18 years away at the very least

      Liked by 2 people

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