Be the change you want to happen

Senior Airman Roger Fortson

It’s been a while since I posted, and that’s not because I didn’t have things on my mind. I just haven’t had enough time to sit in front of the screen and peck away at the keyboard. As a matter of fact, I’m doing this while waiting for some ground chicken to thaw in order to prepare dinner for the family before I get outside and cut the grass. Life has just been doing its thing like that for me over the past month. Anyway, I think I figured a way to get multiple topics into a single post, and I’ll try to get this one done quickly

The picture at the top is that of Senior Airman Roger Fortson. In a sane world, he’d still be alive and enjoying his Sunday afternoon right now instead of being one of several topics of conversation in this country. It’s a sad sign of the times that his story isn’t much different than stories we’ve heard before.

He was killed by a sheriff’s deputy responding to a domestic call in which the deputy ended up at the wrong apartment. Again. This is the same department that shot up one of their own vehicles when an acorn dropped on the car, and the deputy thought he was under fire. There are obvious training issues with this department, but that’s not my focus today.

Fortson was killed because a deputy saw a gun in the hands of a Black man and reacted. Never mind that Florida is a gun-friendly state, and Fortson was not breaking any laws. As in previous cases, there was no reason for deadly force to be used by the officer. At no point was that deputy in any danger, and there was no reason to fear for his life or the life of anyone in the immediate vicinity. I can say this with confidence because the deputy didn’t give any time for Fortson to begin to make a threatening move. If simply having your hand on a gun was enough to establish the use of deadly force, this guy here would be dead.

Guess what, he’s not. In fact, that officer would be dead if the guy with the hand on his gun had any bad intentions. Action is always faster than reaction. Both officers could be shot before either one of them got their guns out of their holster.

Also happening today, President Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse. There have been protests about him being there due to the war going on in Israel. I commend both the people who were protesting Biden’s appearance as well as the school for ensuring the ceremony was held with no problems. What I don’t like is how the issue is trying to be used to drive a wedge into the Black community.

There are legitimate issues being put forth about America’s involvement with Israel and the treatment of Palestinians. I haven’t addressed that issue on this blog yet, but I guess I’ll put my $.02 online today. I believe that Israel’s government has gone too far with their actions towards the Palestinian people just as I believe that our actions after 9/11 were wrong.

Terrorist acts are crimes and not acts of war in my honest opinion. The response to an act of terrorism, therefore, should be more of a law enforcement action instead of a military response. We screwed that up royally after 9/11, and Israel’s government is doing the same post 10/7. Use law enforcement to capture the bad actors and allow the criminal courts to handle things. Bombs and bullets do nothing more than kill innocent people and recruit more people willing to fight along with the terrorists.

I’ll ask this question of those who are blaming Biden and America for not coming to the rescue of the Palestinian people. When has America ever came to the aid of brown people out of altruistic intent? We forced Haiti to pay restitution for overthrowing the yoke of slavery. We didn’t come to the aid of Rwanda. We didn’t stop the massacre in Sudan. We’re not even doing anything to help the people of the Congo. Why would Palestinians be any different than our historical actions?

These two situations, Fortson and Israel, are very different from each other, but they come from the same root issue. America does not value the life of some as much as they value the lives of others. No amount of protesting will change that history as fast as we can change it by becoming agents of change. There are several ways of bringing that change to fruition, but not voting is definitely not on that list. That idea needs to die a horrible death.

If you’re unhappy with the political parties, get involved with the primaries and stuff. If you only vote in the general elections, then you’re left to vote for candidates that others have selected for you. Primaries is where the rubber hits the road. If you want to change the party, you have to change the people in the seats. That comes from growing candidates at the local level and getting them on ballots through the primary process.

There is no requirement that an incumbent has to be re-elected, nor is there any law that an incumbent cannot be challenged. If you go that route, don’t half-ass it with someone that isn’t ready for that kind of battle. Change happens first at the local level long before anything happens at the federal level. Roe was undone because of state law. While people are focusing their ire on President Biden, Congress should get just as much heat, if not more. They have the power to legislate the actions of the Executive Branch.

At the local level, police departments need to be changed. I thought having body cameras would bring some change as more and more people could see what was happening to fellow citizens. Instead, we created a sub-industry that amounts to snuff films. Trying to legislate change through training isn’t going to work because you cannot train people to adopt behaviors when they refuse to be trained. The personnel must be replaced, and they have to be replaced with people who are willing to change the nature of policing from what it has historically been in this country.

This change won’t be easy, and it will take the involvement and commitment of more than just people who are personally affected by the issues. When I see people complaining about issues but refusing to actually effect change, I now wonder if they’re complaining as some type of performance for likes or recognition vs wanting to truly change this society for the better. I’ve offered my views on policing before, and I work every day to change things from the inside. I’m not quite ready to throw my hat into the political arena, but you never know what the future holds.

If you’re like me and are tired of these issues reoccurring over and over again, don’t just ask someone to make changes you want to see. Be that change yourself. I hope this makes sense because I feel like I’ve been rambling. Either way, let me know what you think in the comments. I’ve gotta get started on dinner now. DFACS doesn’t like it when you don’t feed the kids. 🙂

2,715 thoughts on “Be the change you want to happen

  1. Buffs killer addition. . .

    B. J. Green, DL, pass rusher

    Colorado Buffaloes Coaches Are BLOWN AWAY By New Playmaker


  2. @harrystobo1738
    1 hour ago

    Stupid Bbbbbb strikes again God help America. . . . .🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼

    4 hours ago

    Would someone please tell the Georgian dumbbell how

    stupid HE/SHE sounds!. . . . .😂

    MTG Gets DUNKED On For Idiotic Take On House Floor

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wasn’t aware of Thyssen, but his situation is typical of those who have an epiphany way too late.

      The inhumanity manifests itself long before the outraged realization.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. A disinformation campaign intended to discredit vaccines.

    That sounds familiar, somehow . . . .

    Liked by 2 people

    • This is the kind of immoral, evil shit the CIA did back in the day.

      There should be Senate hearings on this with senior level Pentagon types hauled up on the Hill to testify.

      There won’t be, though.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Maybe the intention was to discredit specific Chinese vaccines — I dunno. But, the unintended consequence brought about suspicions of all vaccines, which purdy much played right into the hands of the conspiracy nuts/antivax crowd. AKA — the Republican base.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Trump is the head of the Leopards Eating Face party — that’s why they love him and nominate him. It’s to be expected.

    Joe Scarborough can call himself whatever the fuck he wants, but as a lawyer he represented Michael Griffin who murdered abortion doctor David Gunn. Scarborough was then elected as a conservative Republican in Florida. He supported anti-abortion legislation in the 90s and he also signed Gingrich’s contract on America. Before MSNBC (yeah, I have a low opinion of that cable news network), he did talk-radio.

    Fuck this this guy.

    If a fellow conservative verbally attacks Joe — I don’t care, because he is part of the over-all problem with politics. He was an OG of the Leopards Eating Face party. He rode the red wave back in the day, but now they are eating his face.

    Did I mention, Fuck This Guy?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Fauci wrote a book and dedicated a few pages about some goings on in 2020. The loudmouthcovict cussed out Fauci using vulgar language because Fauci announced on TV that one dose of the develping vaccine will not be enough. He mentioned that we will need booster shots. Fauci got cussed out dumbass stupid dick head. 😁😁

    PS some of us, who had stupid bosses, can relate to Fauci. 😁😁

    Liked by 3 people

  6. learnt something about the debate televised by CNN. Tapper and Bash are the host and they will have mute button to the candidate’s mic. This will hilarious watch the oangeconvict babble after his mic being cut off. Always wondered why didn’t they do this years ago specially in 2016. 😁😁

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Survivors of the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas and families who received somber calls hours later said they were alarmed when the U.S. Supreme Court Friday struck down a ban on the gun attachment used by the gunman who rattled off over 1,000 bullets in 11 minutes.

    come on folks let’s go bump stock on those 6 heartless dick head SC justices. I mean it figuratively.

    Liked by 3 people

      • You nailed it.

        US attempts to have meaningful regulation of guns died with the kids at Sandy Hook. Once RWAHs decided that guns were more important than the lives of 1st graders it was over.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. yesterday morning I over slept so didn’t go for my run. Today I got up at regular time and got to the park before 7. Did my 2.1 miles and also did some planks. Haven’t done that a while. Finished my chores and got some whole milk to make sandwich bread. Get guys moving and shaking that rear end of your. Woo hoo

    also read on Google news about the cricket news. We and India are moving up to the next round. Previous Champs Pakistan is going home empty handed. Not bad for a team full of nobodies. Come on give the US team a big Woo Hoo even you don’t understand the game. It’s the under dog thing.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Good morning all. Gonna get hot today. I’m gonna hit the pool. Watch some baseball and get ready for Father’s Day. Hope y’all have a great weekend and a great Father’s Day.

    Gonna smoke a carnitas rubbed pork butt tomorrow and make tacos. Final tacos will have two of Kam’s favorites pineapple and cilantro as well as onions and green salsa. Guess he’ll be eating refried beans if he decides to cut his hair and cmover. Peace y’all.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. I had a fun 15 h drive from NH to CLT today. All in all the trip, although long, was OK.

    All the problems seemed to be northbound. There was a really bad accident near the Carlisle PA exit on I81 and they closed the interstate north for a while. It was backed up quite a ways when I went through around 4 PM.

    there was a similar backup – about 5 miles, in WV when I went through there around 6.

    Hopefully Nick Danger didn’t spend half a day in traffic hold ups.

    Liked by 6 people

      • We are out of the house in NH. We had cleaners come in yesterday morning right before I left to drive down and the youngest left for a camping trip with her friend.

        The 2nd pod – to be unloaded by professionals – arrives on Wednesday and the unloaders on Thursday. MrsPaul is moved. I fly back to NH on Tuesday – I am committed til the end of June – then I drive down.

        Liked by 3 people

      • I-95 north of Boston is fine.

        Assuming you are just in a passenger car or a pick up truck, here’s one way to go coming down from ME

        I-95 to I-495 (just inside MA from NH). I-495 to I-290. Depending on the time of day it can get slow near I-93 and US-3 intersections

        I-290 to I-90 (Mass Pike) I-90 west to I-84

        I-84 west to I-684 (just inside NY from CT) – head towards NYC on I-684

        I-684 to the Saw Mill River Parkway (no commercial vehicles are allowed on it – there are a couple of low bridges)

        Saw Mill River Parkway south to I-287

        I-287 West to I-78 – you’ll cross the Hudson on the Tappan Zee Bridge. The state insists on calling it the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge but FTG.

        I-78 west to I-81 – I-81 south and away you go.

        Have a driven way too often from up here to places south? Yep.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Going to Dublin GA this weekend to celebrate MIL’s 97th birthday. It’s only going to be a few degrees warmer than ATL, but once you hit 95, what difference does it make?

    Champagne to drink, toasts to be made. All will be well.


    MIL’s 97th birthday.

    What a blessing!

    Old people are works of art.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Going to Dublin GA this weekend to celebrate MIL’s 97th birthday. It’s only going to be a few degrees warmer than ATL, but once you hit 95, what difference does it make?

    Champagne to drink, toasts to be made. All will be well.

    Liked by 6 people

  13. This is soooo wrong on soooo many levels . . . .

    ‘Worldwide economic warfare’: Ex-Treasury secretary’s doomsday prediction spurs fear

    Telling MAGAts their guy could be a commander in an economic war spanning the globe will encourage them.

    Every action Donald J. McGrifterFace makes has only one purpose — to enrich himself.

    Trump has multiple bankruptcies, one of those a casino fer chrissakes. This would be like Custer at Little Bighorn.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. that bump stock ruling doesn’t bother me that much. Those who want it they can buy it in the black market or gun shows.

    what bothers me why is it taking them so long on the Presidential immunity crap? Looks like the case in front of judge Chutkin will not start this year either.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You didn’t think that case was going to start before election, did you?

      In efforts to cut to the chase Smith went right to the SC on the immunity issue. SC said … nah the district court needs to rule on it.
      District court ruled no immunity.
      Supremes waits around for awhile after Trump appeals that ruling then says now we will take the case but not going to hear it until April and give you the decision in June. I knew then this case would not start this year or at least before the election (imo yes all by design)

      I’m hoping the SC agrees with the district court but won’t be surprised if they send it back to the appeals court to clarify ‘immunity’ for any given POTUS. Which will further delay the trial then of course I’m guessing the SC could yet again take up the case based on the immunity clarification.

      My speculation for the last few months is that Trump won’t be facing any new trials before the election. The NY case is it.

      I think it’s bs but on the other hand the NY case verdict didn’t exactly move the polls all that much. The Trumpers are not leaving the cult in any significant numbers.

      I hope Trump loses (some think that’s a forgone conclusion but I wouldn’t be so confident this early) then has to face the fed trials and the one in Atlanta however none of that is going to take place before the election.

      Going to be a helluva rest of the year

      Liked by 3 people

      • The hush money case was weak so not surprised it didn’t move anyone. I’m upset that Merrick Garland sat on the Insurrection investigation for two years and then appointed a special prosecutor only after the Jan 6 hearings. I think he’s been weak and timid on pushing that forward and here we are.

        Liked by 1 person

      • suck the life blood and spit them out like a dried carcass

        Which is to be expected these days as dictated in the commandments put forth by evangelical xtian economic tenets.

        Liked by 2 people

  15. Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-Fla.) lead over Democratic challenger and former Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell has shrunk to just 2 points in a new poll, a steep drop from earlier this year that could signal a closer than expected race in November.

    The survey from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Mainstreet Research, published Wednesday, found the first-term senator has a 2-point lead over Mucarsel-Powell, 45 percent to 43 percent. This is a sharp drop from April, when Scott led Mucarsel-Powell by 17 points.

    a man can dream. Then I wake up and reality hits. It is frigging Florida. Rs always win even if he is a convict.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Ukraine claims 500,000 Russians were killed or wounded since they attacked in 2022. However Lloyd Austin put a lower figure of 350,000 Killed or wounded. I believe Austin’s figures.

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  17. in Europe they are having illegal migration problem. If I remember correctly it is Poland. They created a buffer zone between them and Belarus. They have police and the military in the area. The Russians are trying to sneak in and keep going further west. When the Pole security catch them they ship them back to Russia. I wonder if they found any prayer rugs. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. They’re not even trying with their dumbass rationalizations any moar Part: The Infinity

    Ok, the ArmaLite style semi-auto rifle can be used fer huntin’ just like other semi-auto hunting rifles so there’s that (although, yer likely to get just one shot and then the critter — wounded or not — will run away unless it just drops dead where it stood). But, putting a bump stock on a hunting rifle? That shows the argument is being made by (a) someone who doesn’t know jack-shit about hunting; (b) the ArmaLite style rifle isn’t really a hunting rifle.

    No, just no.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. And lastly and least importantly about the BSB gig last night, but what reminded me that it had been way too long since I’d done the “go see a loud-ass rock and roll band where you don’t sit, rather you grab something at the bar and stand” thing?

    It was the compliments from total strangers who spied my Ibanez Tube Screamer T-shirt. I’ve literally never heard so much as “boo” as a reaction from the circles I’ve run in heretofore.

    (save for, memorably, one friend who has no clue about guitar pedals, who’d told me he thought it was about people who like to go tubing and scream their heads off at a water park. He gets an honorable mention.)

    Liked by 3 people

  20. The arrival of a new type of aircraft for Ukraine will give it an advantage it’s not had before, and will help boost the effectiveness of its promised F-16s, experts told Business Insider.

    Sweden announced late last month that it is giving Ukraine two ASC 890 airborne control and surveillance aircraft, which act as command centers in the air.

    Ataboy Stef. You and your country are great. Keep up the good work.

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  21. Oopsie, almost forgot since there are some who expect the Krippled Hunchback’s Kronikles to include regular reportage. Rescue Mutt and I did about a 1.4 mile mostly-shaded park loop earlier. As is always the case in the ATL, find you some shade and you can get you some most any time, so long as you’re dressed and sunblocked properly.

    And don’t skimp on the sunblock; that’s what will help keep you from needing a Mohs (or worse) down the road.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Yippee. My guy has got some of that sweet, sweet David Hogg bank and is running a damn good campaign. USA Today? Not too shabby, Ashwin. Onward and upward.

    Ashwin Ramaswami, 24, was an intern in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency when former President Donald Trump fired his boss in late 2020 for publicly disputing Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the election.

    Now, Ramaswami, a Democrat, is running for Georgia state Senate in District 48 against Shawn Still, the Republican incumbent − and a Trump ally who was indicted last year for allegedly posing as a fake elector to try and overturn the 2020 election.

    Any sharp-eyed Brosephians might say “now hold on a gol-durned minute, he’s 24? Doesn’t he know that he can’t serve until he…”

    yes, yes, he’ll turn 25 before the election. The dude’s pretty good at math and doesn’t need his fingers and toes to figure that one out.

    Think globally, act locally, folks. I’ve done some phonebanking for the guy, and given that this is his first rodeo he’s doing an admirable job so far.

    Oh, and I am LOLing at the requisite “allegedly” in the USA Today pull quote above. I get it, presumption of innocence and all that; Gannett does have standards, so good for them.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. I always taught my kid to be honest no matter the consequences. I guess he believes it and practices it too. The Prof has 3 equipments combined cost around $1 mil. Last spring he was given the responsibility of maintaining the Hplc: price 300 k. He and 6 others in the lab uses it daily (there is a waiting line). Anything goes wrong he fixes it. They have weekly meeting one on one with the advisor. He tells the advisor everything including his screw ups. Couple of days ago their mass spec. started acting up so he goes and figures out the problem and fixes it. He figured out the glitch. He asked his advisor who was in charge so he can tell him about the nuance. Advisor looks at him with a straight face and tells him you are it from now on. And then tells him while at why don’t you take care of the 3rd one. Moral of the story it is good to be honest and own up to your mistakes. At least in the academic world.

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  24. Liked by 3 people

    • Does game theory deal with the loss of democracy when you elect the Convicted Felon American Hitler Wannabe and your life is at stake?

      Oh wait, the RWAHs are now screaming how we are a republic not a democracy, so nevermind, right?

      Liked by 3 people

      • we are a republic not a democracy

        If there’s an efficient way to leverage that^^ ancient idiocy by all means go for it, but I think it’s probably of limited electoral political use

        I think most reachable voters already know that Trump cultists are a cult, not real bright, and that they certainly can’t be trusted. Those who don’t know, it’s probably too costly to try to reach out and touch them (literally, through door knocking and other in-person volunteer/paid staffer efforts, although the usual tv and online adverts, and direct mailers, will snag a half point or so hither and yonder.)

        Oh and to answer your rhetorical question, I continue to hold that Trump drawing breath as President equals the end of this Republic. I would love to be wrong but I don’t think it can survive that hit. It had a good run, as empires go.

        Although I can acknowledge that somehow taking the Legislative branches and devoting the next two years to making DJT’s existence on this planet as hellishly awful as is possible might keep the Republic intact. But given even odds, it’s not how I’d bet.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Anyone who thinks that being a Unitarian Universalist is “easy” because “y’all get to believe whatever you want”, I will say it’s hard AF in no small part because of the very first Principle.

        I have to – I don’t have a choice, I HAVE. TO. – recognize “the inherent worth and dignity of every human being”, including a rat bastard, should-never-have-been-born, I’d-do-a-happy-dance-if-a-hollow-point found-its-way-to-a-vital-organ human?

        yeah, Clyde has worth and dignity, and no, he shouldn’t be taken out.

        But I don’t have to believe he doesn’t deserve it, because he does.

        Liked by 3 people

  25. Mornin’, decent people.

    I dunno if our esteemed blog-host will see this, but I’ve been meaning to mention that I belatedly–I’m talking several weeks after this original post was posted–requested that Mrs. SfD take the time to read the thing.

    Her first reaction, paraphrased: “He really needs to submit this for publication.”

    I SfDsplained as only I can that while the sentiments she expressed were appreciated and that I’d pass them along? Ain’t no way he’d get them published in those outlets she was imagining–your HuffPo, AJC, WaPo, NYT, etc. Not without some paid (or pro bono contributed) PR muscle anyway.

    But yeah. We’ve all paid our respects back when we were vying to be Firsties. But it does pack a serious punch, as do most of Brosie’s contributions.

    Not bad for a lowly dumbass that nobody reads.

    Liked by 7 people

  26. Haven’t thought about this guy in some time, but leave it to JB:

    Liked by 3 people

  27. The measure would have guaranteed the right to access IVF services, for providers to offer those services, and for insurance companies to cover IVF, regardless of state law. Republicans voted down a procedural move to start debate on the bill, 48 to 47.

    Keep the pressure on Dems. Make them show their hands. Give candidates talking points for the upcoming elections.

    Liked by 3 people

  28. It may get really bad from now till November.

    Liked by 5 people

    • SDJ’s body of work speaks volumes of course. But consider as well just how much harder a Black man had to work to be able to run with the Rat Pack back in the day.

      And yes, we had devout civil rights activists in the Pack who got his back, but still.

      Liked by 3 people

  29. Great to see SFD and Peach tonight. The girls killed.

    After the first band took forever for sound check, the second band did what I would call a regular one. Then it was the girls turn and the sound person is like we gotta do this quick. I looked at them and said don’t worry, they’re professionals. Yeah. They had the best sound by a mile.

    Liked by 5 people

    • So much fun–at the venue.

      Underground Atlanta however, was depressing. It was empty. I’m not talking about people, I’m talking stores. They are all vacant. All. It should be boarded off and declared dead until it can be revived.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I thought we’d grab dinner before the show somewhere in Underground.

        There were no restaurants. We wandered around for 45 minutes, looking for anything. Finally ended up at a bad food truck. Or course, I don’t know anything about food trucks, maybe they’re all bad. The water was cold though. That was good.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Concur. It’s got to be extra heartbreaking coming, as y’all do, from neighborhoods that are viable. As a guy on the street informed, “it’s kind of a maze, to get there.” And the maze is eerily quiet.

          As for us, I’m real glad we made and consumed an early dinner before hitting the road.

          (The less said about my culinary contribution yesterday the better.)

          Liked by 2 people

  30. So Thomas has even more unreported trips and I don’t see anything happening to him.


    “Karma is like a rubber band.

    You can only stretch it so far before

    it comes back and smacks you in the face.”

    Liked by 1 person

  31. OMG. The Masquerade takes forever for a god damn sound check. Of the many shows I’ve been a part of I’ve never seen anything like this. One band is coming up on an hour. That’s like the length of their set.

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  32. That waitress really tagged me (three whacks), and gave me a kiss for being a good sport. Yes, the whacking happens at floor-to-ceiling glass right in front so the passersby can witness it.

    Well, that wuz an awkward transaction and calls fer yet anuther dedication commemoratin’ the next future encounter twixt you two :


    • Well you can bet the house they won’t be doing much … yes ‘they’ meaning the Dems in the Senate.
      I gave up on that months ago. I think they are talking legislation however they know it’s not going to go anywhere.

      I fully understand there would not be an impeachment however imo Durbin could have held hearings. Layout all the bs and let the Rs Senators in the respective committee(s) fall over themselves defending and deflecting.
      Instead we will have to settle for wannabe tough talking sound bites and proposed legislation on the road to nowhere.

      And with the senate hanging in the balance heading into the election … forget about anything substantial. Just a bunch of mealy mouthing for infotainment (news) and social media sound bites

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      • Just a bunch of mealy mouthing for infotainment (news) and social media sound bites

        We have met the enemy and he is us. We watch these stupid goddam videos looking for little slips and allow ourselves to have our pockets picked. That’s the game, and Team Blue have to play it.

        I’m not excusing them, but we can’t do dick legislatively without winning in November, so fire up the stupid crap and get it out there for all the masses-who-are-asses.

        No, most aren’t, but the reachable ones? the folks you have to lasso else the other side either gets them, or suppresses their vote by whatever means they have at their disposal (like troll farm workers?)? Yeah, play dumb shit for their devices and teevees, and maybe say whatever ritualistic penance maxims you were taught in Sunday school to ease your conscience.


  33. Serious tinfoil hat territory here. What are the odds that tRump has backchannels to Hamas in an attempt to scuttle the ceasefire deal to make Biden look bad 

    Knowing tRump the question really should be “what are the odds that he doesn’t have backchannels?”

    I’d just assume he’s tried and, like everything he does, failed.

    Although it’s fun to speculate what kind of conditions the Hamas contacts might’ve placed before they told him to FOAD because they want to talk to the organ grinder, not his monkey.

    “Ok, Mister Trump, but in your next video we want you to jump a little higher, and have both three fingers inserted. Not just the two.”

    Liked by 4 people

    • TBH – I think the real issue with the ceasefire deal is that neither Hamas or their Arab negotiators trust that the US and Israel will even allow phase 2. About the only “guarantees” in the deal is that Israel gets its hostages back.

      I read an article in Politico which predicted that in two years, Gaza will basically be a tent city and that Israel will be playing whack-a-mole with insurgents while trying to provide basic services to the residents.

      I Have said this before and will say it again, Ms. Rosie Scenario is not coming to clean up Biden’s, Blinken’s and Bibi’s mess.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sure.

        I’ll just add: You’re talking about what’s going on in the real world, not the fantasy world of Trumpland which, alas, a nontrivial percentage (never a majority of course but that doesn’t matter in this FUBAR republic) choose to believe.

        As for what the unapologetic Zionist in the White House is trying to push through, it’s just a reminder that I’d never, ever, ever want that job. Lotta folks gonna get hurt and die no matter what move you make, and and this clusterfoxtrot? It’s just the big news story we all get exposed to every day.

        Sudan crisis anyone? hmm, wonder what colors our apparent lack of interest there.

        Liked by 1 person

    • what a bummer. I partly own this electric boat called USS Gerald Ford. It is fully electric with nuculor power generator. What if blah blah….. 😁😁😁

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  34. “Why does he even have a gun? He’s surrounded by Secret Service. Maybe he’s trying to protect himself from the windmills out there trying to kill him,” he said. “How would a gun even work with those tiny fingers? Giving Trump a gun is like giving a dog a saxophone.”

    from Kimmel. 😁😁😁

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  35. Nvidia CEO and co-founder Jensen Huang avoids unnecessary meetings, prioritizing efficiency over routine check-ins. Speaking at Stanford University, Huang disclosed his aversion to frequent catch-ups, even with his 55 direct reports.

    “I don’t do one-on-ones with any of them,” the billionaire executive stated.

    this guy runs a $2 Trillion company and depends on people doing the right thing. To him too many meetings takes away from creativity of other people. He also admitted if anyone wants a meeting with him he drops everything he is doing and meet with that person. I like this guy.

    on the other hand Elmo likes meetings specially with good looking attractive underlings in private. What a pig. US defense contracts is keeping this idiot in business.

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  36. Argentina’s Senate has narrowly approved President Javier Milei’s controversial economic reform package, with the vote taking place as violent clashes raged between protesters and riot police outside Congress.

    Demonstrators in Buenos Aires – who say the measures will hurt millions of Argentines – threw petrol bombs and stones, setting cars alight.

    This Milei is Argentinia’s Maga President. He is cutting social spending, gutting gas subsidies and many more government spending. People are pissed now. Well you guys bought into his vision of drastically cutting government spending and elected him. Now you got to suffer. Geez is this what awaits us if the magaconvict is elected Prez? Think before you vote.

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    • Think before you vote.

      Republicans are gonna cheat in order to win. Their success at cheating will hinge on the never Trumpers enabling those efforts.

      This is why I won’t give Geoff Duncan too much credit as he still endorses conservatives to vote Republican in down-ballot races.

      In this, they’re all MAGAts

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  37. Another long distance dedication to El, this time featuring the city that Bugsy built.

    Well I dropped thirty grand on the nugget slots,
    I had to sell my ass on fremont street,
    And the drummer said there’s sanctuary,
    Over at the Baghdad room,

    And now it’s one for the money, two for the show,
    Three to get ready, and go man go,
    I said tell me mr. siegel,
    How do I get out of here.

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    • Tougher to sell my ass on Fremont Street; it’s so much more touristy these days.

      Still, if you want your ass to get some action, you can get paddle-whacked at the Heart Attack Grill.

      That waitress really tagged me (three whacks), and gave me a kiss for being a good sport. Yes, the whacking happens at floor-to-ceiling glass right in front so the passersby can witness it.

      Liked by 2 people

  38. The G7 meeting is in Italy where Joe Biden is participating. They decided to use $50 billion interest from Frozen Russian assets to be used in rebuilding Ukraine. They are not touching the principle which if i remember it right is about $300 billion. I guess Joe convinced the 6 other nations to see this his way. Another win for Joe.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Why is he bashing on Milwaukee? It’s a mystery, I tell ya!

      The 5 largest ethnic groups in Milwaukee, WI are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (38.1%), White (Non-Hispanic) (33%), Other (Hispanic) (7.09%), Two+ (Hispanic) (6.56%), and White (Hispanic) (5.8%).

      Liked by 3 people

  39. was listening to a discussion about how fewer American students student go to China to study compared to before the pandemic. The reason being the treament of these American students is pretty poor compared to how they are treated here. The interviewer posed this question to a Columbia Prof who teaches about China. He is being teaching on this subject a while. In the 1980s his class sizes were small. One year he had this one kid at the back of the classed named Barak Obama. Interesting how this kid wanted broaden his horizon and not stick to law subjects.

    now tell me what subjects this orange convict was when he twiddled his way through business school? 😁😁

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  40. Swiftie envy.

    Jealous Trump still complaining about Taylor Swift endorsing ‘dope’ Biden

    “Why would she endorse this dope? He doesn’t even know how to get off the stage.” Other media outlets also confirmed that Trump made comments about Swift.

    The size of her crowds far exceeds those of Donald J. McMushroomPenisFace’s

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  41. listened to Martha Alito’s latest opinion on tape. Didn’t know she is German and proud of it. That is fine with me. What got me when she started spewing some Nazi crap like if you come after us we will come after you. I don’t see anybody threatening her at all. If she thinks disagreement in views is a threat then it is her problem.

    correct me if I am wrong, that Nazis view of society ended up killing over 100 million humans world wide. After the war we and our allies put some of those Nazis on trial and found them committing heinous crime against humanity. Some of them took cyanide pills and some were hung from the end of a rope.

    Martha and Sam better remember this when they spew their Nazis bull shit. We should not given an inch to these Nazis and their RW collaborators. That includes Republican RW nut cases.

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    • Cant understand why you dont see the actual threat to Martha from a flag flying in another lot. You think the 1st Amendment applies to those people?

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      • in my earlier years I worked for a German company. The directors and VPs at times were either German or Americans. I got along with all of them. As matter of fact German is the one who interviewed me and hired me. After few years all of them retired and the organization appointed a German VP who ran the R&D department like a Nazi boot camp. Got a tiny doze of what it was like in Germany under the Nazis.

        Liked by 1 person

    • “‘Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is a whacko, her daughter told me if things were different Nancy and I would be perfect together, there’s an age difference though.”

      If things were different, Sheynnis Palacios and I would be perfect together.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ya dang fool! He did his own research and thus proved it! This is why you dont listen to experts and you ignore science. Iffin its in a book written years after the miraculuous birth of a guy to an invisible father or the stories passed down and captured decades and maybe centuries later, THAT must be the truth.

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      • Actually the world izza disc (much like a ham & pineapple pizza) resting on the backs of 4 elephants who are standing on the shell of a giant space tortoise

        Liked by 4 people

    • And not one of them wonders why the sun is higher in the sky at noon in Atlanta GA than in Boston, MA

      The friggin Egyptians calculated the diameter of the earth based on the length of shadows at cities separated by a know distance

      Liked by 4 people

      • You and your damn science and numbers. We knowz what we knowz. Why next ya will say injecting bleach could be bad or swallowing horse paste medicine! Try to stop us!

        Liked by 2 people

      • This reminds me of “Mad” Mike Hughes, a local “hero” who went up in homemade rockets so he could prove the Earth was flat.

        Not one of his worshippers would answer this question: “Why not just get on a commercial flight, get up to cruising altitude, and look out the window and see the curvature of the Earth?”

        I met lots of his worshippers at the memorial service I attended because I cremated him after his fatal crash.

        As is the case with most Trump supporters (lots of whom think Earth is flat), it’s more important to be part of the rebellious group than base your opinion on science and observation.

        note: a blip in the fuel line caused a misfire at launch, he was knocked out, and the rocket made a big ol’ U-turn after a brief rise and smashed on the desert floor.

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    • Hillbilly Elegy Grifter is telling the God’s honest truth if you admit that none of the Rs he knows have a brain.

      Oh yeah – one of the people who thinks that Griswald v Connecticut was ruled incorrectly was Clarence Thomas

      Liked by 4 people

      • Yep. It will be back.

        They get to kick the can down the road until after the election. It’s just a coincidence that this completely non-partisan SCOTUS has come up with a decision that doesn’t hurt the Rs in the 2024 elections.

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        • I’ve clicked a several corporate media stories, have yet to see a single one stating that bleedin’ obvious real reason the fascists wanted this to go away.

          Maybe some have, but the headlines are what they are, and for profit media’s continued SCOTUS bootlicking continues to disgust me.


  42. DeSantis declares state of emergency as ‘life-threatening’ rainfall and flooding hits Florida

    Boot straps baby. 😁😁

    Woke Joe Biden will bale out your sorry asses. Fuck that numbnutz governor of yours.

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  43. George is right. 😁😁😁

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  44. ouch! Kennedy’s nut sack hurts. 😁😁😁

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  45. Antonio Rudiger ‘almost came to blows’ with a Germany teammate in a training session days before the hosts open their Euro 2024 campaign against Scotland.

    Rudiger is set to start in defence for Julian Nagelsmann’s team but has always been a bit of a hot head and illustrated his firey character in training on Monday.

    Advice to the German players: don’t mess with Rudiger. He might literally bite you head off. 😁😁


    • A good result for the USA, especially after the disaster against Colombia – but it was a friendly (as was the Colombia match)

      Let’s see what happens when the games are for real next week.

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  46. Boyz and girlz it will be scorcher of a day today. Last couple of mornings it was chilly and felt when I went for my run. So today I put a full sleeve shirt over the T shirt. Didn’t need it today. Anyhoo got 2.1 miles under the belt. Go get you some if time permits and the body cooperates. Woo hoo.

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  47. I saw my first Cybertruck in the wild today. It was a couple of cars behind me as I drove the last few miles to work. I got a good look at it when I slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder to turn into the plant.

    It looks like an unfinished demo model (“we haven’t decided on the paint scheme yet”) from the 60;s of what people thought vehicles would look like in the future. It screams “we don’t know how to bend metal”.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I saw one in Chattanooga couple of weeks ago. To me it is one butt ugly for a truck. Total usless equipment. I have a truck and have carried over 2500 lbs uphill hauling filler from outside Ellijay. I don’t think tesla truck can haul that much weight leave along navigate 6 degree incline in the mountain roads.

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      • I’ve been hauling junk to a dumpster for a week in a Ram – clearing out the garage, shed, house…. Heck – I took a washer and dryer to one of the guys yesterday. I couldn’t imagine doing it in a CyberTruck where you have to raise the whatever it is over the bed.

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        • I have 2003 Ram too. Good for hauling stuff. I just changed the oil and the oil filter. I usually dust off the air filter with a compressor. You have a good truck. Later give to one of your kids if they want it. That is what I’ll do when my kids settles down.


    • I’ve seen two on the road now. The first one, I mentioned here, was bizarrely wrapped (I assume it was a wrap and not painted) royal blue.

      They don’t really make me angry, they’re no wider than a typical brodozer full sized pickup truck (and I’m at the point where I don’t think it’s useful to shame people for what they choose to drive, once they’ve purchased the vehicle, as long as it’s legal.)

      It is up to We the People to legislate car/truck standards that make sense for the future. Preferably at a federal level. It’s going to get uglier before it gets better. Such is life.

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  48. Liked by 6 people

  49. OK, this article has been up for almost a month now and there’s been something I just noticed in the past few days and wanted to address:

    Guess what, he’s not. In fact, that officer would be dead if the guy with the hand on his gun had any bad intentions. Action is always faster than reaction. Both officers could be shot before either one of them got their guns out of their holster.

    The guy in the pic that Bro posted about hazza strap going across his back and I see the muzzle of what appears to be an assault rifle pointed down by his left ankle. I gotta wonder if that firepower also gave those two LEOs pause. I also wonder that if a black man had that kinda of weaponry at hand if the whole police department would surrounded him, toot sweet.

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  50. Y’all’s -bwoi- “El Disabled O” has a couple of surgeries coming up:

    Next Thursday at UCLA for brachial plexus repair,

    Tuesday, July 2 at Loma Linda for removal of bone fragments and scar tissue from the left elbow.

    I’m too dragged to be 100% optimistic, but these have a decent chance at laying the groundwork to be fully functional.

    The right leg is doing very well—3 to 4 miles a day, with the occasional 4.5-mile jaunt.

    All kind thoughts and vibes appreciated.

    Liked by 9 people

    • Make me feel bad. I’ve been whining about 5 medical appointments in a week.

      But I’m all good now. Or that’s what I assume the latest blood tests will show.

      I’ll be thinking about you for the next month or so. I’ve discovered I hate the after effects of anesthesia more than the surgery recovery. Hope it doesn’t do the same to you.

      Perhaps Jeffrey can post of list of music we’ll play in your honor. He can’t post music, his own bad self. If only he had some teenagers who could show him how. 😉

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    • Next Thursday at UCLA for brachial plexus repair

      Late to this but I wanted to express my sympathies, after having Googled “brachial plexus” earlier today. I speak from some very modest experience; I’ve had what can only be called extremely mild nerve issues in my lower extremities, nothing like that crippling, terrifying experiences I’ve known others to have, just some very mild numbness in the feet.

      But, more recently, my left hand’s fingertips have been just numb enough to be annoying. It hasn’t affected my guitar playing… yet. But I can see how those nerves could come into play. And seriously, WTF? why now? No idea how this stuff just up and does what it’s going to do…

      Anyway, the usual Tots and Pears and hopes you have the kind of genius surgical team guys/gals I’ve been blessed with over the years.


  51. Serious tinfoil hat territory here. What are the odds that tRump has backchannels to Hamas in an attempt to scuttle the ceasefire deal to make Biden look bad (ala Reagan with the Iranians).

    Liked by 3 people

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