Stall Tactics 101

Okay, so it is now official. Trump Stall Tactics™ have entered the realm of the SCOTUS. I would not have bet any money that the SCOTUS would have taken up this case. At the same time, I am not surprised that they have.

On its face, the case should be a fairly simple, open and shut issue. Presidential immunity covers a president while in office, but it does not shield the office holder from any criminal acts committed. If presidential immunity did extend to such an extent, Nixon would not have needed to accept a presidential pardon to avoid being prosecuted for his involvement with Watergate. That would put the office holder above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution. That is not what the founders of this country intended or wrote into law.

What the current SCOTUS has done is buy Trump time to get close enough to the general election to where his case (or cases) will be delayed until after the election. That’s all this is. A delay tactic. America loses when we delay justice, and justice has already been delayed for too long.

There is no way that any of the six conservatives sitting on the SCOTUS honestly believe that the POTUS has any semblance of immunity that Trump is attempting to claim. To believe this is to also acknowledge that Biden could legally assassinate Trump under the guise of protecting democracy from an attempted authoritarian takeover and not face a single charge for his actions.

Instead, the SCOTUS is simply taking America along for an unnecessary ride that will do nothing more than further enflame tensions between Trump supporters and the rest of the country. America would be much better off if we allowed the justice system to run its course unimpeded. A ruling, or rulings, on Trump’s innocence or guilt would undoubtedly rile some folks and make others giddy. Those rulings would also end the questions and speculations and allow us to move beyond all of this.

I already have very little love or respect for politicians. I’m adding judges to this as well. This country wouldn’t be in the predicament we’re currently facing if we had politicians and judges who had the testicular fortitude to follow the Constitution and keep going. Dragging things out does no good for us as a society and damage us in the eyes of the rest of the world. How can we claim to be the beacon of democracy when our justice system can be abused to the point where it doesn’t function?

*on a personal note* My appologies for being an absent host as of late. I’ve been going so much with work and events with the kids that I don’t get much time to assemble anything more than a few words at a time. Also, I was the recipient of a laptop, so now I have another access point beyond my phone. This development should lead to more posts in the future, time willing. 

1,125 thoughts on “Stall Tactics 101

  1. It’s a real fun week up here in the Granite State.

    I have one of the guys over from Germany and we are preparing to ship four 40′ HC containers of material over to them. It was supposed to be 1 tomorrow, 1 on Friday, 1 on Tuesday, 1 (with hazardous goods) on Thursday. Container #1 won’t be here until Friday now. Great – we get to load 2 from the 1 loading dock. Friday is going to be a loooooong day. It least I’m just the guy having to make out the BoL, invoice and customs declaration. I’m not banding double-stacked pallets together, driving the fork lift, putting in the tie downs and the air pillows.

    I’m negotiating with a broker to sell other excess material inventory – beats having to dispose of it though. Some company in China, Indonesia or India is getting a heck of a good price.

    I’ve got 2 companies interested in some special bearings – hopefully I’ll have those sold by the end of next week.

    It’s great trying to keep guys motivated when you are going out of business. I’m really looking forward to the liquidation phase after mid-April.

    It’s 50 cent wing Wednesday at the local watering hole and I’m meeting MrsPaul there at 7. There is definitely a very dry English white wine with anti-malarial and anti-scurvy ingredients in my future.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. You guys remember that Ken Buck from D3 Colorado resigning next week. Election for that district is in June. Funny part Bobert is jumping from her D4 to run in D3 because she is toast in D4. This early election screws her plan royally. 😁😁😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Last month, Yale University issued a formal apology for the links its early leaders and benefactors had with slavery.

    Since then, one name that has come under intense scrutiny in India is that of Elihu Yale, the man after whom the Ivy League university is named.

    Yale served as the all-powerful governor-president of the British East India Company in Madras in southern India (present-day Chennai) in the 17th Century and it was a gift of about £1,162 ($1,486) that earned him the honour of having the university named after him.

    Research of this article was done a previous grad of Yale. This Yale fellow did not own slaves but just traded them. Interesting article worth reading.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. learnt a new recipe for okra. A Chinese chef blanches the whole okra in boiling water for a minute and takes them off quickly and dunks them in cool water. Cuts off the butt and cuts the rest in quarter inch pieces. Put in three eggs, oyster sauce, black pepper and scrambles it. Put in a frying pan with oil and cooks it like scrambled egg. The egg takes away the slimy part which many people don’t like. Personally I like okra anyway you cook it. Slim doesn’t bother me.


  5. Three Republican Alabama officials are expressing concern that a transgender person is employed at Space Camp, an educational program for children held at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville.

    One of the lawmakers is calling for the employee to be removed and for the center to “open a safety review to consider the potential harm and damages they have inadvertently caused children.”

    I fondly remember taking my kid there when he was 5. He was mesmerized by the whole place. I asked him if he would like to attend their space camp and all I got was a huge nod ‘yes’. I signed him up on line and when time came I dropped him off. He had a good time and all the way back he talked about all he learnt. That was hour and half drive.

    Now these Republicans will bring their stupid ass beliefs and screw things up. FTG

    Liked by 3 people

  6. The buzz around electric vehicles is wearing off.

    For years, the automotive industry has been in a state of EV euphoria. Automakers trotted out optimistic sales forecasts for electric models and announced ambitious targets for EV growth. Wall Street boosted valuations for legacy automakers and startup entrants alike, based in part on their visions for an EV future.

    range and recharging time are the biggest problems for EVs. I think it will be the modern day version of Edsel. Hybrids are taking over. Hydrogen driven vehicles can replace fossil fuels but it’s infrastructure needs to be built.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wells Fargo cut Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) to its lowest rating Wednesday, citing the potential for more price cuts that could hit the bottom line.

    Analyst Colin Langan downgraded TSLA to a Sell-equivalent Underweight from Equal Weight and lowered its price target to $125 from $200, saying its valuation premium to the other Magnificent 7 stocks is “likely a risk.”

    Elmo more pain coming your way. He is going the way his hero is going: that is the orange buffoon.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. so the buffoon is hiring election denying lawyers at the RNC. Perpetual grifting will go on even after he loses in Nov.

    so this is how he is going to milk the RNC for his lawyer fees. This is hilarious because money that could be used to elect House members is practically gone. Man I love this trickle down economics.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Maybe he’ll finally kill the republican party and they can rise out of the ashes and be the conservative party they need to be .

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  9. A little off topic but with these open carry laws and stand your ground laws, I am just waiting for the return of “dueling in the public square”.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. In his letter, Lowell also criticized Comer’s decision to invite some of the discredited business associates tied to the president’s son to the same hearing. He argued if Comer was serious about holding an oversight hearing to address alleged influence peddling, the committee should invite Jared Kushner and members of the Trump family alongside Hunter Biden.

    Lowell said that the president’s son answered every question Republicans had for him in the six-hour closed door deposition. And Lowell even used Comer’s own words against him to argue that a hearing was not necessary.

    In January, Comer said, “All we need are people to come in for the depositions and then we’ll be finished.“

    damn Abbe L is good. 😁😁😁

    Liked by 3 people

  11. The judge overseeing the Georgia election interference case on Wednesday dismissed some of the charges against former President Donald Trump, but many other counts in the indictment remain.

    Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee wrote in an order that six of the counts in the indictment must be quashed, including three against Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

    But the order leaves intact other charges, and the judge wrote that prosecutors could seek a new indictment on the charges he dismissed.

    this like splitting hair.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Putin Says Russia Is Ready To Use Nuclear Weapons If Its Sovereignty Is Threatened

    His statement was another blunt warning to the West ahead of a presidential vote this week in which he’s all but certain to win reelection.

    Boasting about using nuclear weapon makes look foolish and an ignorant boob. All out nuclear war means you are dead immediately if you are close to a blast. Worse is you have a slow death from radiation. Either way you and rest of us are dead.

    No one in their right mind wants a nuclear war. IMO Hiroshima and Nagasaki was our mistake and should never be repeated ever again.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Giant redwoods – the world’s largest trees – are flourishing in the UK and now even outnumber those found in their native range in California.

    The giants were first brought to the UK about 160 years ago, and a new study suggests they are growing at a similar rate to their US counterparts.

    An estimated 500,000 trees are in the UK compared to 80,000 in California.

    good job UK.

    Liked by 5 people

      • Bro if you are interested in planting some, I would read more about the conditions needed to grow these trees. It so happens climate in both US and UK where these trees grow are similar.

        another suggestion is if you have quite a bit of land, I would plant black walnut. In 20 years your kids can sell these trees to furniture companies and fetch a pretty penny. Also you can enjoy black walnut while the trees are muturing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I’d definitely do the research first. I just think it would be hilarious a century or two from now when people realize there’s some huge trees growing on the east coast that nobody knew about before. I hadn’t thought about the black walnut, and that would make for a good investment.

          Liked by 1 person

      • A decade or two ago I brought some seedlings back from CA for gifts. They didn’t take to the GA soil, or maybe the heat, or maybe the wet weather. Who knows? Maybe you’d have better luck

        Liked by 2 people

  14. (Isn’t this why we send them to DC?)

    BRINGING HOME BACON. Despite the bitter partisanship that often defines Washington, members of Georgia’s delegation worked across party lines to bring money back to the state and their districts as part of the government funding package approved last week.

    Roughly $250 million in earmarks are coming to the state for dozens of projects, including many where Democratic Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock worked with Republican members in the House to get the funding. ~AJC

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Google news early in the morning. FFP is going to bite Arsenal, Chelsea and the Spurs. No mention of Citi. Citi must have cracker jack lawyers.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. MEDICAID WATCH. Gov. Brian Kemp wants to make clear that he didn’t put the kibosh on Medicaid expansion. As we’ve reported throughout the year, he didn’t encourage the debate at all.

    “It was never my idea to even discuss that,” Kemp said Tuesday. “That was a legislative priority, mainly of the House, to put that out there and have some conversations.” He added: “I was never in favor of doing that last year or this year.”

    Earlier this session, Georgia House leaders signaled the effort to expand Medicaid was off the table until 2025 when House Speaker Jon Burns, R-Newington, and his deputies backed legislation creating a commission to study an Arkansas-style waiver.

    Kemp said he wants to press ahead with his more limited plan to extend Medicaid coverage to Georgians who meet work or activity requirements — known as the Pathways program.

    He called it a “limited Medicaid expansion in a conservative way” and attacked the White House for seeking to block the plan from taking effect earlier.


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  17. I am a bit late to this, but what the whut?

    Angela Chao, a shipping industry CEO and sister-in-law to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, died on a Texas ranch last month after her car went into a pond and became submerged in water for an extended period of time, The Wall Street Journal reported.

    Chao, 50, died Feb. 11 in the Texas Hill Country. A family statement at the time did not disclose details about her death and authorities in Blanco County have not released additional information, citing an ongoing investigation.

    Probably no foul play, and a heart attack or suchlike can strike anyone at any time. Or, of course, drugs / alcohol may have been involved, which would have been its own type of personal tragedy.

    Don’t know how much interest the public has here, TBH. I just looked up her net worth, it’s “only” $100 million, so perhaps not THAT much.

    Still, if nothing else, I have to wonder “what if this were a Democratic legislative leader’s sister in law?”

    Liked by 2 people

      • ok, but isn’t Team Blue leaving money on the table by not at least questioning why it’s taken over a month for any news of the official investigation to emerge to the public, and then only because the WSJ is investigating?

        Liked by 2 people

      • When you hit the brakes an icon on the touch screen shows up. Then you swipe it up to D and swipe down to R. My son’s prius has similar system except you do it with a match stick size button but bigger. Principle is the same. I had driven the prius and the shifting looks very similar to a manual transmission which is in my box truck. I have been driving manual for over 40 years and never made a mistake between D vs R mode.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Evangelical leader Ralph Reed plans to spend big money to get former President Donald Trump elected this year. His Faith & Freedom group will plow $62 million into efforts to mobilize religious conservatives for Trump ahead of November.

    The pledge comes despite Trump’s refusal, so far, to endorse a national abortion ban. More from the report:

    During a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Trump appeared to raise the prospect of supporting a 15-week ban, but said that he hadn’t “decided yet.”

    Reed said his organization would maintain its backing for Trump, despite his equivocation on the issue.

    As president “He was so pro-life that it was astonishing. And as a result of that, he’s going to get more running room from the pro-life grassroots than a typical candidate might get or that he would have gotten in ’16,” Reed said, “In ’16 I think there was a lack of trust, and now there is total trust.”


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  19. In Georgia, with 99% of the vote counted, Biden had 95.2% of the Democratic primary vote, while Trump won 84.5% of the GOP ballots.

    Red flags. Nikki Haley suspended her Republican presidential campaign last week but still captured nearly 20,000 votes on Election Day and 77,000 overall, including early and absentee ballots. The former South Carolina governor fared best in metro Atlanta counties where Trump has long struggled, tallying roughly 40% of the GOP vote in deep-blue DeKalb and Fulton counties.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. The latest insanity in RWNJ-World – that Brigitte Macron, wife of Emmanuel Macron and mother of 3 children from her first marriage, is actually a man.

    WTF is the matter with these people?

    Liked by 4 people

  21. I just spent over 15 hours in the same room with over 10 Republicans working and over 150 coming and going. Its amazing the utter delusion.

    I was told that the border is wide open and heard bitching about violent “illegals” while the same people actually denied the daily mass murder as govt ops and “fake news”,

    The pending cases against Trump did not matter because again…fake news.

    Biden was either too old and no clue about the real world but at the same time he was angry during the SOTU.

    The 2020 election was stolen. There is no way Biden got more votes that Obama, but somehow Trump did.

    One woman claims that she saw video of massive ballot drop offs by a single person. The failure to prove the 2000 mules claims was not because of no evidence, the people who were witnesses and had the evidence were too scared by death threats to appear to testify or were denied the chance to present their evidence.

    They ranted against covid as just the flu and the vax as creating massive medical issues.

    Biden was not going to be on the ballot in Nov. It would be “Big Mike” which apparently is the insult to Michelle Obama

    Overall no rational evidence could get through and when they could not “explain” something, it was fake news, deep state govt false flags or part of a govt cover up. There were people who came in and clearly indicated that there was only one person they would vote for, etc.

    Liked by 4 people

    • West Virginia instead of Florida?

      I didn’t do a price comparison, but Imma thinkin’ with Lara Trump funneling all that sweet sweet bank to the No. 1 Donald J. McHooverFace the remaining get-togthers will be regional only at a centralized all-you-can-eat-fer-$8 CiCi’s Pizza

      Liked by 3 people

    • I checked – the 2023 retreat was held in Orlando while this year’s is at the Greenbriar in WV.

      Mmm choices – 2023 in sunny Central Florida with more bars and “gentlemen’s clubs” than you can shake a stick at – getting wined and dined in high end restaurants.

      2024 at a “family friendly” golf resort in the mountains of WV being preached at by Mike Johnson.

      Hardly surprising that Gaetz, Boebert and others are no shows.

      Liked by 3 people

  22. JFC !!!

    Reports are that RFK Jr is in talks with Aaron Rodgers to be his VP nominee.
    AR imo is one of the most pure passers ever in the NFL. Loved to watch him in his prime. Sucks that the GB squandered his talent with some not so good drafting and there is AR having some bad playoff games but regardless still one of the most pure passers ever to step on the field

    Now off the field …. The dude can be a liar and a conspiracist. Guess I can see why RFK Jr would even want the potential of AR being VP pick leaked to the media

    RFK Jr not serious. You want to run a 3rd party candidacy or go inter party against an incumbent POTUS… be my guest. But do it to get your ideas out, try to win (although in our system that stands very little chance based on how it’s set up) … not for publicity and or to help someone else win….
    I see you RFK Jr like Stein trying to assist Trump.

    Liked by 2 people

    • With Biden and Trump well on their way to securing the nominations it’s probably why voting was light today. I don’t know the early voting numbers but I’d guess it’s down from 2020.

      I think voting in the general won’t be far off from 2020 but as of today I’d say it will be less

      Liked by 1 person

  23. He has no intention of following any rules Part: The Infinity

    ‘This is weird’: Trump’s new argument in hush money case baffles legal expert

    “While President Trump intends to elicit evidence concerning the presence, involvement and advice of lawyers in relevant events giving rise to the charges in the Indictment, he does not intend to assert a formal advice-of-counsel defense.”

    Such a defense would require Trump to prove he told his lawyers everything, sought and received advice that his actions were legal, and relied on their advice “in good faith,” the lawyers write.

    Because this will not be a formal defense, the attorneys argue they are allowed to skip the requirement that they give prosecutors the basic details.”

    He wants to use the advice-of-counsel defense, without having to meet the requirements of that defense.

    Ever played cards/boardgame with a 4-year-old?

    They don’t follow the rules, either.

    Liked by 3 people

  24. We knew it was going to happen. . .

    Our haters are our motivators.



    • Shake the haters off. . .

      We coming !

      “Keep away from people who try to belittle

      your ambitions.

      Small people always do that, but the really

      great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

      ― Mark Twain!

      ‘You can’t stop Greatness; you can only try to delay it.

      And when you try to delay it, it just gets Greater because

      it gains new strength.”

      ” Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and

      some have greatness thrust upon them.”


  25. The Rs will be able to use some of Hur’s comments for segments on Fox, Newsmax and the like but this has been no blockbuster…… again for the Rs.

    Best part is that by mere coincidence Hur’s last day at the DoJ was yesterday. How about that happenstance? No coordination on dates at all… uh huh.
    Rs just picked a date out of thin air and it happened to be the day after Hur’s last day at the DoJ. 
    Hur as a non-government employee was able to speak a little more freely than if he had still been at the DoJ yet the Rs still didn’t get even close to what they wanted 

    Keep in mind the ones who by luck picked this day are the same ones who bitch about deep states, corruption and lack of transparency.

    They should hold the impeachment vote this evening. With all the goods they have on Biden it would be a slam dunk, amirite?

    Mike better ask Nancy how to count votes if he is going to proceed with impeachment. It isn’t like the world hasn’t seen the Rs face-plant on these type issues in the recent past.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Republicans are following a worn out script that is solely about raising that sweet sweet bank from dumbass foxbots. The irony here is that Donald J. McGrifterFace has taken over the RNC via daughter-in-law Lara and all that monies iz flowing to him.

      He will hover up everything, leaving nothing at all for anyone else.

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  26. went after 12 and voted. mine had 95 prior clicks. It was 1 of 5. Hey we are jacked like Margie is.

    now too the important part, did 1.2 miles today. It is warm out there folks. Get you some if you can.

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  27. I can’t comment on anyone else’s experience but based on my voting precinct in South Gwinnett, voting is somewhat muted. I voted shortly after 1200 and according to the ballot reader, my ballot was the 5th one read.

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  28. Wait, WUT?

    Ex-Hays County GOP official sentenced to 410 years in child sex abuse case

    “State District Judge Gary Steel sentenced Dresner to consecutive 75-year sentences on each of four counts of continuous sexual abuse of a child. He added stacked sentences from 10 to 20 years on the 61 child pornography charges for a total of 410 years.

    Dresner was arrested in 2019, after an investigation that began when a child reported she was molested by him, Higgins said. At the time, Dresner was a precinct chair and former sergeant-at-arms for the Hays County Republican Party”

    You can bet yer ass Bo Dresner ain’t no drag queen.

    Liked by 6 people

  29. Down below the question was asked: How can this thousand-horsepower Porsche EV be called a “Turbo,” when it’s an EV.

    I had to reach down in the recesses of my memory to unearth this character. It’s a long shot, but maybe the Krauts grew up watching Johnny Carson and intended it as a tribute to this beloved character?

    Liked by 4 people

  30. Bloodbath at RNC:

    Trump team slashes staff at committee via @politico. All told, the expectation is that more than 60 RNC staffers who work across the political, communications and data departments will be let go. Those being asked to resign include five members of the senior staff, though the names were not made public. Additionally, some vendor contracts are expected to be cut.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Donald J. McCheaterFace is at it again:

    E. Jean Carroll’s Lawyers Foil Trump’s Quiet Attempt to Stall $91 Million Payment


    Donald Trump almost got away with an underhanded 60-day delay to pay E. Jean Carroll the $83 million he owes her for losing his rape defamation trial.

    But there was also some fine print in the bond that would have, curiously, given Trump an additional 30 days to come up with the money—as well as another 30 days for FIC to come up with the money if Trump failed to pay. That meant Trump had found a way to unilaterally stall paying up, pending the consent of the court.

    But over the weekend, Carroll’s attorney spotted the odd jumble of legalese and pressured Trump’s legal team to give up the ploy for extra time. On Monday, she alerted U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan of the new deal. And in a sign of just how interested he is, the judge immediately responded in a handwritten note scribbled over her letter to the court.

    “The parties shall submit revised documentation promptly,” the judge wrote back.

    According to Neil Pedersen, who runs an eponymous appellate bond agency in Manhattan, Trump’s extension on paying up was “not standard.”

    Chubb Insurance company — the owner of the subsidiary Federal Insurance Company (FIC) — is fully aware they are dealing with a renown welcher and they sought to shield themselves from his shady shadiness by pulling some shady shit of their own.

    Liked by 4 people

    • If you had to bet that any given individual or organization that’s somehow connected to Trump, especially directly in his orbit, is shady or not ….. go with shady and you’ll win the bet 90 percent of the time

      Liked by 2 people

      • Not only did he open the door to further legal action with his comments in Rome Ga. this past weekend, but he did a phone interview on CNBC and talked shit about Ms. Carroll yesterday morning

        He can’t keep that stupid mouth shut.

        Liked by 4 people

  32. Good morning (well early afternoon), Brosephians

    picking them up and putting them down for 6.5 this morning

    hell yeah …. Let’s do this

    Go get you some

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Biden Said He Never Meant To Keep Classified Docs; Special Counsel Hur Stands By Report

    Biden was never asked by special counsel Robert Hur about the timing of his son’s death, according to an interview transcript.

    Cons do not surprise that they will lie if given half a chance and that include con lawyers.

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  34. Black student-athletes should reconsider attending public colleges and universities in Florida, the NAACP said in a letter to NCAA President Charlie Baker on Monday.


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  35. I’ve got $50 says that Trump couldn’t give you the names of at least half of his 10 grandchildren.

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  36. As we all know, TFG claims he is tough on Chyna and is going to protect America from the CCP. He just came out in support of TikTok against attempts to have them banned from the US and/or forcing their owners, Bytedance, to sell.

    In a strange coincidence, his change of heart about TikTok happened right after he sat down with a major investor in it and scored some donations.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Imagine having been in a coma for ten years, waking up, and learning that this Republic actually had a President who used the word “Zuckerschmuck” like this and it’s not even above-the-fold news. And that there’s a modest chance this person could become President again.

      Liked by 2 people

  37. GO VOTE TODAY!  Georgia’s presidential primary will award delegates who will choose the Democratic and Republican nominees for president at party conventions this summer.

    In the four states with primaries Tuesday — Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi and Washington — there are a combined 161 delegates at stake.

    Trump could become the presumptive Republican nominee if he wins enough delegates. He is currently 140 delegates short of the number needed to secure the nomination, according to The Associated Press.

    Biden needs 102 more delegates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee.

    Georgia’s election results award 108 Democratic delegates and 59 Republican delegates.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Been there, did that, got the multilingual “I VOTED” sticker.

      Kind of a performative act at this point but I figure it’s better for Team Blue’s Presidential candidate to have crap-ton of performative primary votes than not have a crap-ton of performative primary votes.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. I’ll go so far as to say give false intel to the moron. We will soon find out that it got to putin by the way he will react.

    Rim, this is what I want them to do.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Way off topic – the Falcons fans on the blog have to be ecstatic about giving a 35 yo QB coming off a season-ending torn Achilles tendon a 4 year $180MM contract.

    Liked by 4 people

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