Kim Davis and false Christian persecution

Let me put my “confession” out front before anything is said.  I am a Christian.  I was baptized long ago back in my hometown in Alabama inside a Baptist church associated with the National Baptist Convention.  I grew up with Sunday School and Sunday service being a part of my weekly activities just as anyone else would attend regular school.  I was a youth speaker for a time, along with my cousins, because our grandmother encouraged us to visit with other churches and volunteered our services if they needed a speaker.

I am also a government employee.  I don’t hold an elective office, but when I go to work, I do work on behalf of the U.S. government.  I know that my actions, while on the clock, are those of mine as well as my employer and that I cannot let my personal views cloud my judgement when it comes to enforcing the law.  Now that I’ve got that out the way, let’s talk about Mrs. Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky.

Mrs. Davis is entitled to hold and exercise her religious beliefs as a private citizen without fear of government interference.  She had those rights last week, last year, and she will have those rights next week.  As an agent of the government, however, Mrs. Davis cannot couch her actions as said agent in her personal religious beliefs.  The government is not a religious entity, and her job is not a religious job.  There is a reason for separation of church and state, and her case is a perfect example of why we need to protect that separation.

As a private citizen, she has every right to announce that her religious faith tells her that homosexuality is a sin.  She also has every right to speak out against homosexuality as it pertains to her religious belief system.  If she chooses to not associate with members of the LGBT community as a private citizen, then that’s her prerogative.  The moment that she clocks into work or lifts a pen as the County Clerk of Rowan County, she ceases to be a private citizen expressing her beliefs.

The government cannot discriminate against people based on numerous criteria.  Most recently, sexual preferences have been added to that list.  The Supreme Court has ruled there is a constitutional right for same-sex marriage, and until Congress or someone else passes any type of constitutionally sound legislation to change that ruling, it is the law of the land.  The Constitution was not written with an all-inclusive list of rights that are protected by it, hence the 9th Amendment and its wording.

The people who are claiming that she’s being persecuted because she’s a Christian need to quit peddling that lie.  There are millions upon millions of Christians in this country who are freely practicing their religion and not being arrested for doing so.  Any Christian can walk down to their town square, city center, or anywhere else and kneel and pray.  No officer is going to come and arrest them for exercising their religion.  Those who spread this crap need to quit playing the victim card (as many of them say about other groups) and realize the potential harm they’re causing to our society.

If this were a case of Mohammed Salim refusing to serve females that entered his office without wearing a niqab, would the same religious freedom people stand behind him for his actions?  I seriously doubt it.  If it were a follower of Judaism not fulfilling the requirements of the job as a public sector worker because of their beliefs, would we see the same type of religious circus going on?  I don’t see it.

At the root of it all, we operate under laws that we elected people to pass and enforce.  We can’t arbitrarily change things just because we don’t agree with them because that’s not how it works.  Nobody’s religious rights are being affected or squashed by these rulings.  If you have a job that requires you to serve the public as an agent of the government, then you have to remember that you are the government when you’re on the clock.  Your actions are not your personal actions.  They are the actions of the government.  If you cannot fulfill that job because of a personal conflict, then your best recourse is to seek employment elsewhere.  The role of the government and the protections afforded us from the government are not going to change without significant effort to do so.  No matter how much we cry about it.

16 thoughts on “Kim Davis and false Christian persecution

    • Yeah, that’s pretty much the choice one has when working for the government. Public sector employment is not the same as working in the private sector. The government cannot discriminate, and public sector workers ARE the government when they’re fulfilling official duties.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You make a good point about bringing their personal shortcomings into the debate. But, the argument you present is exactly why I do it. When they are confronted with the fact that they themselves have been forgiven, I them ask why they don’t afford the same forgiveness for others.


    • Amen brother! I completely agree with you and understand why you bring it up.

      I’ve thought about that myself and I don’t have any logical answer. Maybe they think it’s a limited option for a few people and they’re the only ones that can save everyone else.


  2. Jesus said “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God, that which is God’s”. Someone needs to explain this verse to this woman. Someone also needs to explain the other verse about casting out the mote in thine own eye before criticizing the splinter in someone else’s. ooooo!!! OOOOooooo!!! And how about “He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone”…… And……can someone please explain to this woman what a hypocrite is and how Jesus doesn’t like hypocrites?


  3. I wonder if her 4 marriages, 3 divorces, and at least 1 proven act of adultery helped her form her convictions. But none of that stuff matters because, Jesus.


    • I purposefully tried to make it as non-personal as possible because she believes that her sins were forgiven once she accepted Christ into her life.

      If I bring her personal issues into the debate, then I would have to question whether she thinks anyone else can seek that same acceptance as she did and be absolved of their sins. Given that she’s adamant about not letting people live their lives, I would assume that the thinks those “Get out of sin free” cards are limited in supply or availability of time. That, or she may assume that nobody else can seek salvation as she herself did.

      That’s the one reason I never try to make these debates about personal issues, because the actions of the people involved show that they don’t think others can seek the salvation they did. Otherwise, they would let people live their lives and help them find that salvation instead of trying to force them down a path they’re not ready to travel.


  4. Unless Kim Davis has a list of sins that she asks all couples if they are engaged in before issuing a marriage license I have trouble feeling sympathy for her.
    I personally did not want to see her sent to jail but she didn’t leave the judge much recourse.
    There is a segment in America who will rally around her as some martyr for the persecuted Christians all over America.
    There are persecuted Christians in this world…… to the point of death but here in America? Let’s all get real here. She is not being persecuted for her beliefs. She is refusing to do her job and no matter how some want to make this out to be more than that, it will not change the facts.


    • Amen. When she shows me consistent Christian beliefs by denying services to adulterers, thieves, murderers, fornicators, and every other sinner, then I’ll buy her argument. She still would be without merit as her job requires her to follow American law.


  5. If she was a MUSLIM this would not have even made the news. This proves that *Christian* are being *Persecuted* by the *Homosexual Community* who demand *Tolerance*, *Open Mindedness* and *Respect* when they work diligently to *Deny Christians* their *Religious Freedoms*. It is time for *Christians to take a Stand*.


    • If she were a Muslim, it would have been all over the news with Christians screaming about someone trying to enact Sharia Law. Need I remind you of the Ground Zero Muslim Center or the Muslim center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee?

      If Christians were indeed under attack simply for being Christian, I would be the first to come to the defense. However, I don’t recall any churches being firebombed other than Black churches and being desecrated other than churches that have openly welcomed the LGBT community. THOSE churches and Christians are under attack, and most often, they’re being attacked by other Christians who do not agree with their views.

      Religious freedom is a right here, and nobody’s rights have been altered or tampered with. Followers of Judaism still go to temple, Catholics still go to Mass, Muslims still attend Friday prayers, and Christians still attend church service on whatever day of the week they observe the Sabbath.

      What is under attack, and rightfully so, is the notion that people can use their brand of religion to force everyone else to succumb to their belief system. This is not a theocratic country, and we do not have a national religion for a reason. I hope you learn to love yourself for who you are and quit buying into the fear mongering being sold to you. I pray for you and others just like you on a daily basis. If religion were truly under attack, I would not be able to do that, especially considering I work for the federal government.


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